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Everything posted by Avv21

  1. Thanks for your insight. Have you had any success with medications? Or any knowledge of the efficacy of them for men trying to reverse hairloss? Also: what are some of the rapid fire complications of HT? Of course, about to google this myself after I post this but not sure to expect a whole lot of answers since I know this is rare to do.
  2. Have you any positive experience with either the shampoo or minoxidil?
  3. Thanks for your opinions advice and example. I will monitor.
  4. Thanks those are good examples to demonstrate the point
  5. Thanks for the feedback and informative post. No medications right now because I just started thinking about this. Not very enthusiastic about using any (presumably would need it all my life). My father and paternal uncle have minimal balding, actually. Perhaps you are right about the recession based on this photo from ten years ago https://imgur.com/a/dfafAvK Honestly, if Matt’s design is what I could reasonable expect from any type of intervention, I feel like HT wouldn’t even be worth the trouble and money. I know it’s all subjective but what are your own thoughts? I wonder if others with a similar degree of recession to me have gone for it. I just don’t know if it looks so “bad” now for it to be worth it.
  6. Huh interesting. What you’ve drawn seems like a pretty negligible addition, to be honest. Do you think I’d really get a great benefit? I’m not even so sure. I guess the good news is that it wouldn’t require as many follicles/be as expensive.
  7. No meds right now since I just started looking into what to do about this. Will say that I’m not exactly enthusiastic to meds, let alone for the rest of my life (as I assume would be the case)
  8. New member and learning a lot from reading (such as Norwood classification which I believe I am Type 2). Hoping for some additional general guidance because I don’t know if HT would be a good option for me. As you can see on the images on the link below, I have a noticeable lack of hair at the anterolateral/frontoparietal/temples area of my head. Honestly, I feel like my hairline has always looked like this, and I don’t believe that it’s a recent occurrence. I’m in my mid to late twenties. Here is what my hair looks like and the third picture is what I would hope to accomplish with a transplant: https://imgur.com/a/3Es3dWu Do you think a transplant would benefit me aesthetically? Would it be feasible in this area? Please let me know if there’s any additional info needed in order to advise me, additional angles needed, etc or I I should be positing in a different forum. Thanks.
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