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Everything posted by miropodolski

  1. why clippers is a different story , are razor are more dangerous ? How is that ?
  2. It is recommended to not use razor blade on transplanted hair and wait at least 1 year to use it. I wonder why ? how the razor blade affects transplanted hairs ?
  3. it's not shedding it's breakage i can see the rest of the hair and the root if like I shaved 2 days ago like a stuble
  4. I had a beard transplant one month ago, I experience hair breakage from the first week to one month after the beard transplant, almost all my hair are broken i can see the root so i'm sure it s not shedding. Is that normal ? does it affect the growth of the hair ? And also I see the roots so is this normal that after a month I experience only breakage and not shedding ?
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