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Posts posted by didit07

  1. 1 hour ago, LaserCap said:

    Global thinning refers to loss throughout the entire head, including the donor. Thus, if there is hair thinning in the donor area, it will thin wherever it is placed.

    If not interested in anything internal, give some thought to Rogaine, Laser and PRP.


    Hi lasercap,

    That makes sense. My thinning is control to the typical areas. As you can see in my pictures my donor area is completely in tact.





  2. 3 hours ago, LaserCap said:

    Not the best set of photos.  Have someone else take them.

    Working through unevenness is not a problem for an experienced doctor. That's not the question.  The question is, what is causing your hair to be growing in in patches.  There could be a medical condition other than a hereditary one causing the issue.  The first thing I would do is go to a dermatologist and have them biopsy the area.  You can also go to a couple of consultations with hair transplant professionals and see what they have to say.  Right now you should be in the gathering info stage...forget transplants for a minute.

    Not sure if it's the style you've chosen to wear but it seems from the photos, that you may be experiencing global thinning.  Have this checked.

    Lastly, if you've lost, you will continue losing.  Get on a medical regimen to help you retain the native stuff and maybe even reverse the miniaturization.  (Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP).  Do as many as you can. Give them a year.  Take plenty of photos and repeat every 6 months.  If everything goes well, you can then consider transplants.

    Doing transplants at this time is probably the worst thing you can do.....

    Hi there, thanks for your opinion. Your point about going to the dermatologist is a good idea. Balding is not hereditary and it's been quite a shock how much I have thinned.


    I'm not interested in any orals so that is a non started for me personally. Could you elaborate what global thinning is? I am surprised you feel so strongly that a ht would be an absolutely terrible decision. Regardless I aiming for next August for the ht.


    I'll have someone else take the pictures and upload.

  3. Hi everyone, there arent too many African Americans who have posted on this sub and I'm hoping I can shed some light on my upcoming journey.

    I plan to go to Turkey for my HT. Primary reason being cost and second I feel there are more doctors in that region who have had more surgeries ith my hair type.


    I'm 28 now and my hair loss has been steady since 2013 and rapidly increased in the past year. My hair line is still relatively in tact as our my temples. I would like to add 1cm frame of grafts along hairline and temples but I primarily want density.

    My question is how, will it be difficult to add density considered how uneven my hairless is across my scalp?







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