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Everything posted by vox12252

  1. Thanks man, I'm close to setting up a date for an FUE in Brussels in August. I'll update how mine goes. If I feel the need for an SMP after that, I'll let you know. Cheers!
  2. This was done in December 2015 and it was a pain to even get them to respond to emails for follow up consultations back then, I had to call more than once to set up appointments. I have quite honestly considered it an expensive life lesson and moved on. I only want to do this final thing to cover up the scar so I can completely forget the whole episode.
  3. Thanks for your response. I went in for consultations up to 6 months and he always said it was coming on well so it was a surprise to me that it ended up like that. After that point I left Houston and moved to Europe so I did not follow up on it. I also got side effects from propecia so I was in a very low place at that time and the transplant result was not even my major worry. I've read about SMP but I much rather have a proper surgery so I don't have to explain to my hairdresser every time someone gets curious. As I said, I've resigned to a shaved head if I at least cover up that scar.
  4. Dear HRN, I had a 3000 graft FUT procedure with Dr. Arocha a few years ago, which did not produce good results. I also had adverse reactions to propecia so I used minoxidil and biotin for a few years before just giving up as my hair loss got progressively worse. As my hair loss is quite advanced, I'm pretty much resigned to shaving it off but I have this ugly scar on the back of my head, which looks quite awkward especially as I have reached a stage of my career where I have to give public talks presenting my research and it further adds to my anxiety of public speaking, so I'd like to get a surgery to at least get it covered up. Can anyone recommend me a good surgeon in Europe that I can consult? I live in Copenhagen now as I'm attending grad school here so some place within Europe would be preferable. I have read the forum and seen recommendations for surgeons in Belgium or Spain, which would be most convenient for me. I have sent a consultation request to Dr. Ferduini as I read that he is quite compassionate, listens to clients and takes on challenging cases but I'm not sure what the wait time is and if they are accepting new clients. I have also heard recommendations for Drs. Lupanzula and Bissanga but I'm not sure if they have a good history of handling scar corrections. I have attached some pictures, so any other recommendations on what I should consider would also be most welcome. New to the forum so I apologize if this was posted in the wrong section. Cheers!
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