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Everything posted by AVA

  1. I've only just seen these posts i cant beleive how long ago i posted this . thanks for your advice though !!
  2. Hy everyone , I’ve been on this site for quite a while now, it’s been my source of information for every niggling question i’ve have surrounding hair transplant surgery, which has helped me out so much . After months of research and checking out the cr?me de cr?me of hair surgeons, I’ve made the decision that getting a hair transplant is something that I 100% want to go through ,and make a reality and stop dreaming about. But I have a couple of questions that I hope you could help me with. My story My reasons for wanting to get a hair transplant was due to a hair salon visit gone wrong when I was 16. I don’t want to go into details because it just makes me feel angry, and leaves me with feeling of helplessness every time I think about it. A couple of weeks after attending the hair salon my hair began to fall out like crazy and my hair line receded as well. Everyone knows hair is a woman’s crown and glory, so you can imagine at 16 how one would react to their hair falling out. I was mostly really affected by my hairline receding, that really got me and hurt me quite allot emotionally. I tried lotions and potions and pills to get it to re-grow over the past 4 years wishing that it would grow back to how it was but nothing worked . over these past 4 years I’ve seen my life go downhill my confidence ,my self esteem , my social life .I basically became an outcast a huge contrast to the person I used to be, the most confident ,outgoing ,bubbly person you would have met . My years in secondary school and sixth form consisted of me hiding under hats and headbands (still do to this day), the bubbly outgoing person I used to be was in hiding, I was embarrassed about my hairline and that I had a massive forehead because of it too, I couldn’t stand people looking at me, and hated it when people would comment on my hairloss (girls can be really mean). it affected me so much to the point I hated my life, it was at this point I promised I would do what I could to get back to how I was, and get my hairline back, I wasn’t going to let my hair loss take over my life, and that I did. I found out about hair transplant and knew that this would be my only way of achieving my goal, i got a job at 17 and have been saving ever since for the transplant. I’ve had online consultations with the top doctors such as Rahal, Shapiro, Hasson and Wong, Feirduni and many more who estimate that I would need 1500-2000 grafts which are around $10,000 . I’m in the UK so I have to take into account all the extra things I needs to pay to get the surgery done abroad. I’ve saved up half of the amount needed for the surgery but it’s not enough to cover the costs. I really want to go through with it ,so I was wondering if you all think it would be possible to go for just 1000 or 1500 grafts instead so it would be more affordable but my issue is would i still get a good result with density and fullness ? MY Question J I’m worried that i will not get the results that i desire for a full hair line if i do this , can you let me know what you guys think , 1000 grafts is still alot of money for normal person like me but i’d rather get good results than just fork out for a hair transplant because im desperate for one, but the thing is i really want to get it done, i cant go on like this and i canat wait another year. i would really appreciate you advice and what you think ? thank you samii
  3. Hy everyone, I'm a newbie here and everything's very new to me. I would really appreciate everyone's advice and knowledge of thier hair transplant experiences and reccomendations on surgeons and what to expect from a hair transplant. Im a female and have suffered loss of hair around the hair line and temples. I've tried everything over a period of 5 years to regrow the area's fully ,but only Baby hair's have grown.I'm Considering a hair transplant. what research should i do ?
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