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Posts posted by worriedfue

  1. 8 hours ago, home1212 said:

    LOL, alcohol, drugs and smoking cause things like dehydration in your body overall & poor blood flow - just obvious factors that could adversely affect graft survival and growth - just because grafts are permanently embedded does not guarantee they'll grow if not cared for properly post op

    Thanks home1212

    Do you think a one time insult would have a huge effect then? 

    Again, I regret it. Back to a healthy lifestyle now for the rest of my post-op recovery.

  2. Hi all,

    I had a small FUE session done (about 250 grafts, as my surgeon has advised to do this in smaller steps) 8 days prior with PRP.

    Tonight, I went out to an event with a few friends. I had about 5 alcoholic drinks, and smoked about 3 cigarettes.

    Then, while under the influence, I made a very bad decision and did some cocaine. I did two lines of it.

    Up to this point in my healing, I've followed my doctor's instructions and have healed very well. I have ate very healthy, drank lots of water and have gotten lots of sleep/rest (9-10 hours a day).

    I know I made a mistake, and I am beating myself up for it. I will not be using recreational drugs or smoking any longer, and will put off my alcohol consumption for another week or two.

    Have I seriously damaged my grafts and risked my hair transplant failing? I asked a friend who is a doctor in another field, and he thinks that things should be OK at 8 days post-op. But could I get some advice from the community?

    Moving forward, I am being even more careful about post-op care, and trying to be as healthy as I can. 

    I hope I haven't hurt my grafts beyond the point of return. Thank you.

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