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Everything posted by iuubald

  1. Attached are some more pictures at 4 weeks(Day 27). Let me know your thoughts on sides of Donor area.
  2. Hi Guys... Just wanted to post some latest pictures and get some opinion on one concern I have. Everything is go well as excepted. However one concern I have is Donor area on the sides(especially more so on the left side of Donor area). I see the sides of donor area very thin and depleted compared to center/back. Wondering if I was over harvested on the sides or if I had shock loss. Can you guys please let me know your thougts. Attached are some pictures from Day 21
  3. Attaching some more pictures from next morning(after procedure) with day light. Please let me know if you guys have any feedback. I flied back to my home town on Feb 27th( 2nd day after procedure) and I will be travelling back to US on Mar 2nd(5th day after procedure). Please let me know if you can think of any long flight travel tips. Travelling with wife and two toddlers.
  4. Background: I am a 36 year old Indian residing in USA. Have been balding from early 20's. New member to the forum, have been following from last couple of months or so and it helped me immensly to prepare for the procedure and what to expect. Initially got to know about Hair transplant procedure and Dr Bhatti from one of the common friends who got hair transplant done from Dr Bhatti. I had an India trip planned(for Feb 2019) and contacted Dr Bhatti in December 2019, sent my pictures for assessment and blocked Feb 25th date. I have been told that I am grade 5 and I would need 3500 grafts to restore frontal area and cover crown. Had couple of skype calls to go over additional questions and decided to go ahead with it. Rest of the process is pretty much same as what others have posted. So I will keep it brief. Pre-Procecure Day: Reached Chandigarh Feb 24th afternoon, met Dr Bhatti for pre-consultation and hair line design. Went over some questions I had and picked up medicines. This is first time I met Dr Bhatti in person and he told that I am more of a Grade 6(earlier based on pics I was told grade 5). Procedure Day: Reached the clinic around 8 AM and procedure went as expected and I am done around 5 PM. I felt drowsy for almost the whole procedure. I was responding to questions and requests to move and so forth. But other than that I could hardly remember anything. It was completely painless. Below is the grafts count: Total grafts: 3396 Singles: 318 Doubles: 2280 Triples: 798 Grafts used: Front/Mid scalp: 1931 Temples: L-106, R-141 Crown: 1218 2200 scalp grafts for future if needed. Below are are some pictures of pre-procedure, hairline design(day before procedure) and after procedure(once I reached hotel, so the lighting may not be great)
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