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Posts posted by moses0324

  1. from what i have read about daily dosages...your body rids itself of the finasteride after about 24 hours so as long as you are taking them 24 hours apart there shouldnt be a problem. I have also read that anything above 1 mg is a waste as the body only accepts so much finasteride...


    thinnk of it as protein...people think eating the most protein they can is best for building muscles...the fact is, the body only accepts a certain amount of protein at which point the body disposes of it via stool. the same holds true for finasteride...or so i have read.

  2. i agree that the hairline is the most important aspect of hair but when people are paying the prices they do for HT's I think the expectation is the total pacakge...hairline, mid-scalp, crown, etc...


    also the hairline is the first thing to go in MPB...therefore getting a HT when there are signs of hairloss in the temple areas is probably not the best idea...as the hair behind the transplanted region will likely be lost.


    hairloss and HT is a fickle conquest...

  3. I would say get on the fin asap...I take 1 mg per day as prescribed. I have been fortunate enough to not experience any side effects. I take my pill every morning when I wake. I also use nizoral shampoo every other day. As you can see I have experienced great results. I was on the verge of the infamous horse shoe...now I have a descent head of hair. I wish I had caught it earlier so I could re-establish the hairline but I can't complain...get on the meds. They work. Just be weary of the sides. Let me know if you have any other questions. I will post some more pics in a few weeks. Thanks.

  4. i am in the same boat as both of you...looking to restore my hairline in the temple region. see my online photos to see my excellent results with fin.


    i have been looking at true, dorin, and feller for a small fue procedure...


    but even 1000 grafts is $10k...wowsers. when you combined cost with the impact 1000 grafts makes (not much) it has me contemplating the procedure.

  5. 2500 would be super thin for the amount of scalp you need to cover. i.e. there would be hairs but the scalp would still be visible. the body hair idea isnt a bad one. usually body hair is used in the mid scalp and vertex area as a filler. its an option...have to choose an sppropriate doc for this procedure.


    if you could use 1500 for your front...1500 for mid scalp and vertex...and another 1000 in body hair (dont know if that is feasible) you would have descent coverage. again you would be looking thing depending how long you keep your hair. i just dont know if it would be worth it in your case.


    remember body hair does not have the same thickness diameter of head hair...so more of them are needed. not even sure 1000 body hairs would make a substantial difference.

  6. i agree with the shaving idea...you have good complexion and skin tone. A HT will just leave scars thatll remind you of the dumb decision you made. your donor hair looks minimal for the amount of coverage needed to look somewhat descent. its ultimately up to you...but remeber it is a decision that will last forever. sorry to be such a downer...

  7. I see in the ny area...I would recommend feller, true, dorin, or Bernstein...


    In terms of brand finasteride...it doesn't matter what brand as long as the active ingredient is finasteride...the rest is just filler. I would recommend to continue using rogaine. The combination of both will give you the best results.


    Let me know if you have any other questions.

  8. If I were you....I would get on finasteride asap. After about 9-12 months re-assess your situation. You have a lot of lost hair to consider a HT at this time. See if finasteride re-establishes any dormant hairs. If you see hairloss stabilized then re-evaluate a HT in a years time.


    Your first step is to see a recommended HT doc. Let me know if you have any questions.

  9. Costs vary...


    FUE is from $7-$12 per graft...More tedious work when extracting


    FUT is from $4-$7 per graft


    So for a FUT of about 3000 grafts you can expect to pay $15,000 unless...the doctor offers mega-sessions where you can save considerable amounts of money...






    2,300- 2,450




    3,400- 3,600

    3,700- 3,900









    Hope this helped...

  10. I dont agreee with your assessment at all. I have been balding for a while now. I shave it now with a razor. Go tanning and concentrate on other things (i.e. hygiene, dress, appearance, accesories, etc). I obviously want my hair back but have never had a problem picking up girls. Its a confidence thing. While I still lack the confidence I had when I had hair...I guess its not blantantly obvious. Thats what girls look at most.


    1. Confidence

    2. Personality

    3. Looks


    Remember looks fade no matter who it is...And after people get over initial attraction which only lasts a few months in my opinion...The relationship must rely on interaction and personality. This holds true for any girl worth pursuing anyways.

  11. Let me try to tackle all of your questions...


    I am considering having a hair transplant, at my age (24) and considering how much hair i have lost already, would it be worth it?


    I would not pursue a hair transplant at this time. I would recommend starting a rogaine, nizoral, and finasteride regiment. They will help stop further hairloss and potentially regrow already lost hairs. Continue these therapies for at least a year and determine your hairloss status.


    I am looking to have 4500 follicles (in one session) which requires both the Strip and FUE method. Would i be able to have my hair as short as in my pictures or would the strip be too recognisable? This would be a major consideration for me.


    In my opinion 4500 looks appropriate however you probably could not wear your hair that short. To me (just my 0.02) the FUT scar would show thru your current haircut. Also there is no way that hairline could be done with 4500. You would have to settle for a higher hairline.



    Would there be enough density/coverage and would the rest of my hair just not fall out anyway? If i did have a HT for 4500 follicles now, i would still probably need another 2 sessions of 3000-4000 follicles within the next 6 years to prevent me from coming a Norwood 6. What is the maximum number of follicles i can take from the back and sides of my head? Probably different for each individual but as an approx. I also have more than enough hair on my chest to be donated to my crown area, can this not be done? (I am not too concerned about the quality of my hair on my crown area).


    As you said this all depends on donor availibility, density, laxity, etc...A recommended HT doctor could help determine this. I dont want to give an answer that could be potentially incorrect. To be honest you probably wont have enough density in 4500 grafts to cover a complete norwood 6.


    I have not started taking Minoxidil or Finasteride, would this at least stabilise my hairline and crown area and prevent further baldness? Are you able to take both? How long would this last for considering i am 24 years old? Are there any medical procedures available (apart from HT) to guarantee prevention of further baldness and stabilisation of my current hair?


    I would start taking the aforementioned medications immediatley if you are serious about keeping your hair. You are able to take both as they work synergistcally. These medications have been known to last anywhere from 5-20 years. It differs from person to person. You wont know until you start the meds.


    Hope this helped a little...Let me know if you have additional questions.

  12. The reasons could be good and bad:



    If a patient had a bad HT or bad experience, he/she may have moved on and doesn't care about the fight to have hair. They gave it there best and get on with there life.



    If a patient has had a positive experience then the problem has been solved. Why come back and discuss something that has been corrected. Again this has to do with losing interest in hairloss.


    Some people obviously move on from it as they realize it isn't the most important thing in life. I wish I could but I haven't gotten to that point yet.

  13. There are numerous reasons:


    1. Hair can continue to fall out post HT surgery thus leaving a odd looking balding pattern

    2. When you are young the severity of hairless is not known. As a result the doctor does not know how to distribute the donor hair (density)

    3. Some young patients can get to a Norwood 6 or 7 in which HT's are useless. This can expose the scar later on in life. The safe zone is not yet known.


    To be honest I think the primary reason is the first one. If you have the surgery and a year later hairless has continued, you are gonna waste a lot of money, time, effort, and donor hairs annually. That is the reason it is smart to get on the drugs. Stabalize the hairloss and implement a plan. At least with the hairloss somewhat stabilized...the patient can go 5-7 years between HT's.


    Hope this somewhat helped

  14. everyones hairloss is different...i.e.


    1. some only lose hair at the temples

    2. others lose hair only in the crown

    3. few lose it all over


    while keeping this in mind...if your native hair in the midscalp and crown area are strong then there is not need for a transplant in these areas, thus a doc will perform a small temple surgery. depending on grafts and how you wear your hair you can go with fue or fut. they both have there pro's and con's.


    on the other hand...if you notice some thinning all over then a doc is less likely to perform your small reconstructive hairline surgery. instead preventative drugs should be used before pursuing a HT (i.e. fin, nizoral, rogaine). you should use these drugs for at least a year. i hope this info helped. let me know if you have any other questions.

  15. Michael5577,


    your view point is very biased as some of the top docs in the world perform fue (feller, true, dorin, etc). i am sorry but i would rather have tiny dots for scars than a 9 inch long scar. like i said, any hair shorter than a #2-#3 clipper is highly visible with fut. with fue the hair can be buzzed to #1 without noticeable scarring. in the event you dont like the outcome of surgery shaving back down is an option. if you dont like the fut result, you are more or less stuck.


    like it has been said, there are pro's and con's to both. one obvious pro to fut is success rate. while thats great its not for everyone. like i said. i wont have my head carved up for 1200 grafts. it doesnt make sense.


    i would beleive a %80-%85 success rate. it depends on the doc and patient. everyone has different experiences with each. just leave it at that and dont be so opinionated.

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