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Everything posted by Santoo

  1. Hi all , I am working as a software professional in an IT firm . From past few years i have problem with my hair loss,Now i completely loss my hairline structure. i do have huge gaps with with no hairline structure. I was on minox solution for 8 months no use. I am planning for HT in hyderbad .I heard a lot about DR Madhu .soon consult him. But i have a few queries. Does HT have a any side effects? which method is best FUE or FUT? Sucess rate in HT? Does transplated hair will fall,(It makes our head look ugly)? does we need to support on medicines for a longtime after HT done?(Pain area,sideeffects hunt for the use of too much minox sol)? Is hair regrow in that scar part? Apology my questions would be many and silly I am really scare to do HT . I am flying to US in june , SO can i go for surgery next month ,does my hair give me a normal look by may.I mean with a proper hair line structure Thanks, San
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