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Posts posted by JJ09

  1. I've had 4 sessions of 500 grafts.


    I have had many procedures carried out prior to FUE with all the stretching and scarring my scalp has endured the thinning at the back of my head is not solely due to FUE.


    However noticeable thinning??¦in my case I would say yes when it is not washed, when it's clean and bouncy lol no.


    Virgin scalp and done correctly I believe there would be no noticeable thinning.

  2. 16 years ago I had 3 reduction procedures, the main reason was to remove previous poor HT plugs (what were they thinking back then).


    I am left with a scar from my temples to the crown and with further hair loss has become increasingly difficult to hide.


    As the B-spot indicated it did stretch back but sometimes I wonder if was going to be a NW7 if I may have reduced it to a 6. lol

  3. Hi I'm from OZ! icon_smile.gif Knudsen? Nice guy and all however seemed a little out dated last time I consulted with him about a year ago.


    I've seen Dr Barry White's poster boy in person too! Spot his work a mile away (could be a work in progress i suppose).

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  4. Originally posted by hairfreak:

    Yeah, I was thinking pretty much the same thing. I know any good hairdresser would understand and help with your needs but then I dont want to sit in a hairdressers explaining Ive had a hair transplant with people waiting behind me.




    I can relate to your situation, I haven't been to a hairdresser for 18 years. There is no way I could sit in front of that big mirror with all those bright light lol.


    My mother cuts my hair and she is no hairdresser. Hopefully I can get a reasonable repair as I know one day I will have to sit in that chair. icon_eek.gif

  5. Originally posted by ej:

    I wonder if its worth placing an advert for the Hairtransplant Network in the press were these people advertise as a one off advert , gives people opportunity to research as would be placed in the same section .

    Just a thought

    Hope your ok centurian



    Advertising to draw attention to the HT online community in general would do wonders for people thinking of having a procedure done, good point.


    Not to discredit the Doctors advertising in these publications, but more so, to make patients aware of what to expect from a HT.

  6. JJ, Thank you. The plug work wasn't done via strip, but with a punch instrument, which resulted in my donor area being filled with circular scars. This didn't affect the elasticity of my scalp, which happens to be quite good. This allowed for the 3 strips. The strip, due to the scaring, yielded far less grafts. In my opinion, if my scalp had been untouched, the strips would have yielded 50% more. UNC


    Thanks for clarifying that. icon_smile.gif

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