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Posts posted by HT1404

  1. He didn't check for any dermatological issues and I wonder whether I should go do that before getting another surgery. Where would i do a check like that? Anyone knows?

    But as per Dr Mohebi's office, I actually went and got an SMP onto the scar. Had 1 session and still have another so we will see how it is after 2 sessions. But after 1 session I can definitely tell it is less visible which is nice.

    But I still want to continue the hair transplant journey. The front is too thin and I don't like it.

  2. Ok update guys.

    I have had 2 more in depth consultations:

    1) Dr Mohebi's office:

    • I liked how much in depth we went and that we actually spent quite a bit of time discussing all options.
    • He actually did a hair density count (which was helpful for me because I never know). Hair density was average (2/mm2), but hair quality is nice and coarse.
    • Since their specialization is FUE, they recommended FUE with 1000 to front, 1000 to top and 500 on temples to fix some of the misplaced hairs too. so 2500 in total in one FUE surgery.
    • Later on, I would tackle the back part of the top and then scatter into the crown via another surgery (estimated around 2000 hairs, ofcourse wouldn't be full density).
    • For the scar, he recommended FUE'ing into it too (but that would be another ~1000 hairs which seems like a waste), but he said they could utilize beard hair too and I have quite a bit of hair on the beard. He said maybe first try SMP into it and see how it looks and not immediately FUE into it (which makes sense).
    • The scar itself, he measured to be at max 8mm wide and total 24in (big scar yes), but ofcourse it is smaller towards the end.
    • In general, I felt comfortable at his office and he was very helpful trying to tackle all issues to help me fix this mess.

    2) H&W's office:

    • Not in person but through email. I had submitted this forum to them since it already has a lot of photos and discussion.
    • Based on what they saw from pics, they estimate something around 1500-1700 hairs removed via FUT while revising the scar. (More if it allows)
    • They also recommended that some of the hairs on the temple would be removed via FUE and replanted for better placement and orientation.
    • Ofcourse this is all dependent also on the laxity of the scalp which they can't assess yet, but those numbers are based on an average scalp laxity
    • For scar, they would use dissolvable sutures plus skin staples to ensure scar is not under tension, and those would stay for 2 weeks post surgery.


    So in summary, 2 very different paths that I can take and I am trying to decide which one is better. I feel like H&W first to fix the scar is better way to go forward as then I wouldn't have to FUE 1000 hairs into the scar, and if done properly I can probably get away with SMP for a smaller scar.


    What do you guys think based on your experience and any feedback would be super helpful.

    Thanks guys.

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  3. Quick update.

    I have a consultation with Dr. Mohebi in SF the end of this month to get another opinion. I am not sure I would go with him though yet, but it would be nice to see what other Drs think of this case.

    I have talked to Dr. Gabel too, and the earliest consultation is April and surgery is November, but I did send them my photos.

    H&W are closed till Jan10th and I haven't contacted Dr. Konior yet.

  4. I recall arriving there at about 5:30am.. going through the pre-procedure walkthrough, taking meds, getting ready, and then I dont know what time it actually started. I was already dazed off.

    Dr. diep did the incision, but since I was out of it, don't know who did the holes. I do know that at some point, the nurse was implanting the hairs. Again don't know if she did the whole thing or not.

    And then was done at about 7 or 7:30pm.

  5. Well yeah again I really didn't think too much of the result until I started looking at threads here. It has been over 3 years now since the surgery so not sure a refund will fly anymore.

    I don't recall who did the holes for the recipient site since I was heavily sedated at that point, but I do remember that the nurses did most of the implanting. (because I recall waking up for a bit and trying to move my feet and the nurse implanting the hairs told me to stay still).

  6. Ok so as promised I am uploading a bunch of pictures. The pic qualities of the days right after surgery are not that great but still good enough.

    Pre surgery (1 day before):



    4 days after surgery:


    1.5 weeks after surgery:

    It is at this point you start seeing the infection I think, little lumps in the forehead. More evident I think at the 1 month mark (shown later)







    1 month after surgery:





    2 months after surgery:





    Notice the spacing and how there is not density to the hair at the front. It is almost like I never had a transplant, mind you 4000 grafts!!







  7. Thanks everyone for the reply and for the recommendations. Ill try to get more photos up soon.

    To answer some of the questions above:

    • I was in touch with the clinic, and Dr. Diep offered me a scar revision in which he would also take out some more hair to implant at the front. He said he would charge me for the hair but not the scar revision which seems ridiculous because in any case he has to get the strip out for the hair. So it is like getting another hair transplant again and having to pay for the mess that was caused.
    • I dont have any medical or skin issues. I had actually went to the dermatologist recently for my yearly check.
    • For the topical, I know the pics don't show, but I recall Dr. Diep saying how there was some infection at the hair implant site that would damage the hair follicles and that is when he prescribed me the topical. Same thing goes for the scar, I recall Dr. Diep was taken aback when he saw my scar but I felt like he tried not to show any reaction as to not alarm me and then said he would do a scar revision.
    • I agree that I had paid top $$$ for top service and I got none of that I believe. 

    I just dont trust going again for a scar revision at Dr. Diep's office after going through this. How can I guarantee that I won't get a similar result!!.

    Anyhow ill post more photos in a bit.

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  8. Ok I have recently became aware of this forum and wanted to share my experience that would hopefully inform others going forward.

    I had an FUT surgery with Dr. Diep in Sep 2018 with a ~4000 graft count.

    Initial consultations:

    Dr. Diep was very helpful and was answering all questions I had during my consultations. I was reluctant between doing an FUT vs FUE, but given the extent of hair loss I had endured, Dr. Diep recommended that I go with an FUT, and I decided to go with it too. Dr Diep recommended doing all these scalp stretching exercises prior to my surgery which would be about 3 months after the consultation. However, since I was doing a bit of research before hand, something took me aback. In the consultations, I felt there wasn't enough care or examination done to my specific case. I was given the freedom of choosing how many grafts I wanted which seemed a bit odd to me. How would I know how much grafts can be extracted using an FUT If I don't know the density and elasticity of my scalp. I don't want to have a big piece taken if that meant the elasticity of my skin didn't allow for it and that I would have a stretching scar later on. You would think there is some procedure to figure that out. But anyhow, he is the expert, so I went with a 4000 for my case (5000 grafts was also offered).

    Here is a before pic:


    Surgery day:

    Ofcourse don't remember much of it, but it went fine and by the end of, there were an extra ~300 grafts extracted so an added $$$$ (which in fairness was agreed to before surgery anyway). Took a couple of pics right after when I arrived home:





     4 days post surgery:

    Eventhough I was following all instructions, there was a lot of scabbing and blood coagulation forming over the frontal part mainly. Hey I guess I have a super bleedy head.



    Week and half post

    Scabs had fallen off but at that point I think there was some type of infection that maybe if attended to before wouldn't have affected the hair follicles later on.



    2 and half weeks post surgery

    This is when I was given an appointment to go back to see the Dr and remove the sutures. When he saw me, he immediately prescribed me topical anti bacterial medication but I think at that point it might have been a bit late (looking at results now). After that the nurse helped me remove the sutures which seemed like it was a bit early in my case as the wound from the FUT seemed like it hadn't healed fully. Reason being is that there was also lots of scabbing over the wound (which delayed its healing I think).

    1 year post surgery

    Hair had grown in and looking better in general for sure, but I dont think the survival rate was high for the follicles given what I described earlier. Also, the scarring is massive and I really have to wear my hair in the back a bit longer to cover.


    But under the sun is worse:


    And here is the scar:





    Overall I am not satisfied with the results for both the donor and recipient areas. I don't think my case was handled with care and some mistakes were made along the way. I am now looking to revise the scar in the back and for recommendations on other surgeons around the west coast area that have a demonstrated record. My thoughts are:

    • The followup was 2.5 weeks after surgery during which I had developed lots of scabbing that hindered the growth of the hair in the recipient area and the healing of the scar in the donor area. I was not instructed really in detail as to how to handle this situation since at that point I didnt know much and I thought this was normal. 
    • Removal of sutures might have been a bit early too as the wound was still almost fresh!
    • The FUT strip might have been too wide for my specific case (not sure), but I felt like there was not enough care taken about figuring out my specifics (density of hair, elasticity, etc ...)
    • The survival rate for those hair follicles implanted in the front was low and as seen in the pic under the sun they are very sparse. I would have thought with 4000+ grafts, at least the frontal part would look thick but that pic under the sun tells the whole story. I think maybe if I was instructed to take the topical earlier, maybe that would have helped?

    Anyhow, this is my experience. Maybe I am one of the unlucky ones that even if everything was done properly and correctly, my scalp and biology just didn't work in my favor. 

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