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Posts posted by geneticked

  1. Day 34

    So I'm just over a month and thought I would share some thoughts for those looking into the process.


    • I'm back in my normal routine. Have been pretty much for a couple weeks now. I go out without worry. Even got freaky with two women. Gotta thank the clinic for opening my eyes to the undercut look.
    • The first two weeks are nerve wracking as hell. Not the surgery, but just making sure your grafts are all well-taken care of. But after that I forgot I even had a surgery. Seriously these pics I've taken are the first time I've looked at the recipient area in awhile. 
    • Recipient area is not as pink as I thought I would be since I'm more on the pale side.


    • I do in the back of mind have some doubt about the hairline design. One side is great but then other side is pulled further back where it doesn't meet the hairline. And this is on the side that had worse recession.
    • I'm concerned about the graft count. 1400 grafts seems like a lot for these two areas. I thought I was getting 1300 at first and that was for the frontal region all well.  In comparison to others, mine feels like overkill for this small region. I wish Diep used less or covered more area.


    So now it's just a waiting game. Would love to hear your thoughts!








  2. 56 minutes ago, FUEblonde1985 said:

    I'm month 2 with the same Dr and had the same hairless white strip issue around day 5. Mine happened because I knicked my head when a bunch of towels fell on my face, but apparently this cracking in the "scab shell" is common when following post-op instructions that keep the recipient dry for the first few days.

    No idea if it affects final result or not. My areas that were cracked have not yet shown any signs of growth.

    Oh no, that's worrying!

  3. Hi all,

    I'm currently at Day 8 since my procedure with Dr. Diep. During my consultation, we agreed upon 1300 grafts total should fill in my temples. It ended up being 1400, which I thought some would be planted in the center hairline. But Diep said the hair there is too thick and would only cause shock loss. So I trust him. I also trusted him with a hairline design which he drew up pretty quick. (One side seems a little higher than the other, but we'll see once everything grows in.)

    Here are few pics from the journey so far:

    Day 0:






    Day 4:







    Today Day 8 (after my first contact wash):



    This big scabless, hairless, white strip makes me nervous on this one. I woke up like this before the wash.






    Hopefully this helpful for everyone. Reading your guys progress reports helped me a lot, so I plan to do the same.


  4. 54 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Yea it’s because of the scabs. They can pull adherent dead grafts. This is why you need to clean the area.

    How do you recommend cleaning the area? Im following dieps instructions that seem to counter themselves once in awhile.

    Right now it's just shampoo, and light massage the recipient area with my fingers.

    So are you saying the grafts died? Or just the hair follicle? 

    I really appreciate the response!

  5. Hey all,

    Some background info: I am 26 about a Norwood 2 just in the temples. I've been on Fin for about two years. No sides, no further loss. So I want to get the temples filled in a bit. I had a consultation with Dr. Diep who said I have nice thick hair and should expect good results. Only problem is my appointment is scheduled for October.

    I would love to get an surgery in January/February. I'm tired of wearing hats/meticously combing my hair. I'm only this young once.


    So are there any recommendations? I really appreciate it!

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