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Everything posted by Cerlan

  1. Thanks for the advice. Took a look at your pics. Looks good! I think with darker hair though I probably need more grafts but great to hear from someone in a similar situation.
  2. Thanks for the advice. I think you’re right on the Norwood scale. Asmed recommended 5000 grafts based on the photos I submitted placed all over as you suggested. My main fear with that approach is the shock loss to existing hair. Hadn’t really considered fut as I like the idea of being able to buzz cut it if everything goes pear shaped.
  3. That’s fair enough. Each to their own. I can honestly say that I don’t take much notice of hairlines but a big shiny hole at the back of the head is not something I’m a fan of. Maybe I’m in the minority though...
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. I guess he recommended the crown first as that is the bit bothering me the most. My receding hairline hasn’t really bothered me too much over the years. But the idea of a bald spot bothers me much more for some reason. I started thinning in my mid to late 20s. Started using minoxidil about 10 years ago. Looked into finasteride around the same time but read some horror stories online that stayed with me. The surgeon recommended topical finasteride which has less chance of side effects apparently so I will look into that. Didn’t get a total graft number but apparently all the donor area is made up of one or two hair grafts so I’m guessing that won’t give great coverage. My main reason for not going straight for a ht is the fear that once all the rest of my hair is gone the transplanted hair will be too sparse to be of much use and I’ll have to go for a buzz cut anyway.
  5. Looking for some advice. I went to a consultation with an FUE surgeon at the weekend. I've put the results of his exam below. Apparently my hair is fine so a transplant will give me some coverage but it won't look very thick. He recommended 1800 grafts on the crown area to begin with, with the front to be tackled at a later date. My question is, has anyone with similarly fine hair gone ahead with a procedure and had a satisfactory result? My fear is that I will go for a number of procedures over the coming years and end up with results that I am not happy with, ending up with a similarly thin head of hair to what I have now. Just with transplanted hair, once all of my native hair falls out. Assuming I will lose all of my remaining hair on top, which seems likely looking at the pattern in the photos, I don't think I'll have enough donor hair to give decent coverage. Would be great to hear from anyone who was in a similar situation. I've attached some photos as well. Norwood classification: NW 2V, Diffuse thinningHair Characteristics: Salt & Pepper, Slightly Wavy, Medium Fine HairDonor Density: Measured in 2 areas as 70/80 Follicular units per cm2, small follicular units Miniaturisation: 15% of miniaturised hair in the donor areaDermoscopy: Normal, no signs of scalp issues
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