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  1. I received a reply from the clinic that :the baby hairs can be either anagen, telogen or even miniaturized hair, that might fall out. However, we don't want to cut these hairs out during the graft trimming because some of them might be able to grow into strong hairs so we take the chances by including them with the one strong hair. According to some studies, the hairs will be able to grow better when they stay in groups"
  2. I got a reply from the clinic saying that the half hairs are not transected hairs. The 1/2 hair means that it’s a baby hair that stays near to a strong hair, and that they don’t want to waste them in case they can grow together with the strong ones and turn into 2-hair in the future. What does that mean exactly? Im confused
  3. I also want to add that the Dr. mentioned that around 500 grafts were FUE. Not sure if thats an important factor to take into consideration
  4. Thanks for your reply Melvin. I have reached out to the clinic(Dr.Path). Not since what exactly transected means? Will that impact the overall result?
  5. I recently had a hair transplant and was given this breakup 3760 FUGs(7508 hairs) 1 hair 576 1 and half hair 444 2 hair 1,954 3 hair 786 First time Im coming to know about 'one and half' hairs being implanted. How does that work and is that a common practise?
  6. Hi, Just back from the surgery by Dr.Path.. What do you think? I had a surgery with him 6 years back for 2100 grafts for the frontal region. This one is for midscalp. Im 32 years old
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