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Everything posted by curious-baldy

  1. Thanks for the response mattj! Can you estimate how many grafts are we talking for the crown area? Also, how can I contact Dr. Rahal whom you represent for further consult?
  2. Hi Everyone, I've been following this forum for a few months and had hard time finding the courage to upload some pics. Anyway, I am finally here so let's cut to the chase: I am 30 years old, have been losing hair for the past 4-5 years. Used both Minoxidil and Finestaride with mixed success (seen more success with Minoxidil but started irritating my scalp, I can elaborate more on my experience with these meds if relevant). about 6 months ago, I stopped using Fin and Minoxi and started buzzing my hair to 1mm as you can see in the photos. 6 months in, I still can't get used to it and hate the way my head looks so I have to give HT at least more thought before completely giving up. I assume I'm between norwood 5/5A to 6. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also, I'm from the middle east so I guess Turkey would be convenient. ASMED seems like a great clinic. Any thoughts? Should I investigate other clinics as well? BTW, I would love to get the most honest opinions I can, even if you think I'm well beyond the stage of a successful HT.
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