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Everything posted by gk2

  1. Hello everyone, just wanted to ask what should be considered normal and expected when it comes to hair shedding as I keep coming across conflicting info about it. I don't find hair on my pillow or towel when I dry it but if I somewhat aggressively shake my hair with my hand over the sink I lose anywhere from 20-50 hairs If I just run my hand through hair normally shake my head not too aggressively its just a few. I can't see any thinning but seeing between 20-50 hair in the sink after shaking my hair for a few seconds is worrying but some articles suggest this is actually normal? Many thanks in advance
  2. Hi everyone, I'm experiencing what I think is shock loss one month post FUE surgery but only one side, temple are and many native hairs have gone. The other side of the temple is completely healthy only a bit of shedding but the effected side has lost most of the transplanted hair as well as a lot of native hairs. Is this normal and will the native hair grow back? It looks extremely odd at the moment with one side balding and the other almost completely full! I made sure to take the proper precautions post FUE. Many thanks
  3. Hi everyone, I'm 12 days post op 2300 grafts FUE hairline, just wanted to know if its advisable to start washing/shampooing somewhat normally now instead of careful reduced pressure massage with finger tips? And if so, I'm assuming that applying minoxidil would be ok too in that case? as it requires quite thorough massage to absorb into the skin. Just worried if extra pressure from washing/massage could still dislodge grafts and lose hair at this point, so far I haven't lost much hair and a lot of the scabs are gone but some small dots still remain. Many thanks much appreciated.
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