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Everything posted by punk

  1. Yes thats an option. Could always go down the transplant route later & hopefully the treatment options will improve.
  2. Hi Shera, Thanks for your input and detailed reply. So there is hope i think. Im changing my mind like the weather about having this done. I guess my biggest worry is if it looks awful i wont be even able to shave it short as i do now. That would be even worse & dont know what id do. The clinics i have spoken to have said that 3000 - 3500 will be needed for 1st treatment & then a further procedure to fill in the crown at a later date. How long would my hair need to be to cover the scars, would a clipper cut of grade 2 cover them? Thanks Again. Punk.
  3. I think the photo may make it look worse than it is. It is quite thick if i let it grow. This pic was taken with 2 weeks growth on a zero clipper. I have done 5 online consultations with doctors & none have said that it would be an issue. Its good to get unbiased opinions though which is why ive posted on the forum. What about used beard & body hair i have loads of both. I will have a look at topical finasteride, i didnt know about that. Thanks for the heads up.
  4. Thank you both for your advice. Im not keen on taking meds, im prone to anxiety/depression & have been suffering from low sex drive anyway so im not sure im a good candidate. I have just ordered some Rogaine, is that any good & will it help?
  5. In regards to donor area a couple of the doctors im researching can take hair from the chest ir beard. Do these hairs give a good result?
  6. No im not taking any medication at the moment. Its more a hairline that i want to achieve, im not as bothered about the crown at the moment.
  7. Hi All, Ive been reading this forum for a couple of weeks & found it really informative, inspiring & helpful. Im 43 & looking to have a hair transplant probably in Turkey. Ive had thinning hair since my teenage years & it seems to have stabilised somewhat in the last couple of years so im thinking now would be a good time to take action. Ive been told im NW 6, & a suitable candidate for HT procedure. I realise im never going to have the hair of my youth but im wondering what to expect & manage my expectations. I will add my pictures & would love to hear your opinions & if a good result is achievable. Thanks.
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