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Posts posted by Johnny129

  1. On 7/16/2023 at 3:48 PM, ITA said:

    Considerando che l'azione del Dermapen, Microdeeling o dermaroller irrita un po' il cuoio capelluto, è sconsigliabile lavarsi con lo shampoo in quanto tutti gli shampoo (quali più, quali meno) contengono sostanze chimiche che potrebbero causare una maggiore irritazione al cuoio capelluto in questa fase. ma penso che si può tranquillamente sciacquare con acqua fredda per darti un po' di sollievo di raffreddamento.


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  2. Hi all,

    This may come across as a stupid question so I'll accept silly responses 😁

    I have just received my first dermapen, haven't dermarolled or microneedled before and I have seen its recommended not to wash with shampoo or apply minox/ topicals for at least 24hrs after.

    My question is is a rinse with just water right after okay? Im assuming it is but just want to double check. Thanks.

  3. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Their concentration is always higher, hence why their cost is higher. The reason why they can have a higher concentration is because of the siloxysystem gel vehicle. It keeps the drug on your scalp through a slow release, which delivers most of the drug to your scalp and limits systemic absorption.  

    Plus, the molecular weight of dutasteride is higher, so I would imagine that it is more difficult to absorb through the blood. Of course, this is speculation. But a lot of doctors agree, which is why topical dutasteride is so highly sought for, and regarded as the new gold standard.

    But not all topicals are created equal, that’s why I’ve been excited for XYON to release it because the siloxysytem technology +dut seems like a killer combo. 

    I was wondering if there were any benefits of a gel solution rather than the standard liquid 👍

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  4. 12 hours ago, Follicle1984 said:

    I will try and find the exact company name, but it's by a GP called Dr Brad. Very expensive though. Very! I would buy Dr Mwamba but would rather avoid the hassle of import and have it prescribed here. 

    Appreciated. Exactly the reason why I was asking!

  5. 3 hours ago, Follicle1984 said:

    I'm also wondering about the stability of my topical enthanolic dutasteride 0.05% that I got compounded here in the UK. Its about 6 months old and I've only used it once. I paid quite a lot for it. I'm told the shelf life is 180 days but I'm not inclined to believe that this is true. I bet this stuff is good for a lot longer than this. I read a study showing topical nanoemulsification of dut was good for over 2 years. OK so it may be slightly off 100% but I bet its probably still good to go. I imagine it's more of a marketing thing to get people to restock and pay up again?!

    Any thoughts anyone?

    Yeah I bet its good for a lot longer than suggested like a lot of things with expiry or best before dates. Who compounds them here in the UK? Came across one clinic in Birmingham area that does it

  6. 36 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I’m scheduled to talk with Dr. Hasson, but from what I understand they got the best results using topical dut daily. Also, they tested the sustainability of their topicals and found they last for up to 6 months. 

    I still have a quarter bottle of the fin that I’m gonna keep, it says its good until May of this year. 

    Do you know the percentage they had? 

  7. This must be my 3 topical dut related post today lol. I've been using 0.1% once weekly since September and definitely doing something as I dont have as much need for fibres. My sparse areas are certainly a little less sparse which I wasn't expecting so quick. So far so good on the sides front also. I must have missed this thread as I created another one questioning stability of topical dut but seems to have been answered somewhat here. @Melvin- Moderatorfeel free to delete the thread I created today about shelf life of topical dut.

    Any ideas on the difference between gel and liquid?

  8. Ive been using since September and having better results than expected. Nothing else changed in my regiment. Currently on topical min and have been for several years and added 0.1% topical dut once a week. I actually did pose a question as a new thread but may be better in here. Does it lose potency at the 4 month mark and if so does it degrade enough to warrant starting a new bottle or just lose a little effectiveness but not enough to make a big difference?

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  9. Go down the topical fin/ dutasteride route. I've already had a ht about 5 yrs ago and my hair has thinned considerably since. Went to see several docs in person about another procedure but my donor makes me intelligible for a ht and due to scarring in donor I cant shave my head so I thought all was lost. Been on topical dut for around 4 months and the growth has been better than expected

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  10. I can answer your first question. If you have dupa the transplant will take no time at all because Bisanga probably wouldn't take you on as a patient.

    In terms of questions I would ask how many total grafts your donor holds so you can plan for future procedures. I haven't seen your hair/know your age etc so not sure the current extent of loss but it's important to remember you are likely to need further procedures down the line so these must be planned for. Bisanga is thorough so I imagine he would talk you through that

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  11. 12 hours ago, NickJ said:

    Which type of creatine did you take? 

    Yeah 1 month will be not enough to make any conclusion 

    One which had a couple of forms of creatine - Di-creatine malate & Magnesium creatine chelate. I've used it several times and always been great but had an adverse reaction this time round which Im putting down to the creatine as Ive been okay for over a week now since stopping

  12. Dont get HT. Your hair is fine currently. If your hair is shedding and you are experiencing loss its better to wait a few years and potentially go for it then. Right now you could go get a HT, lower your hairline and you hair loss continues like you state it is. A couple of years down the line your hair behind the transplanted section continues to shed and you have to see to that area. Problem is you have already used a significant amount of grafts for your 1st procedure and so the cycle continues.

    I had 1 procedure and now wish I never had it. I cant have another as my donor area is miniaturised and cant shave my head due to scarring of the donor area. 

    Be patient and wait. Trust me you have a good head of hair at the mo. 

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