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Everything posted by Faasnu

  1. I have read online about bad side effects from fin. Are they true? Should I see a dermatologist?
  2. Whats the best way to watch for hair recession? Is measuring from each temple to the eyebrow every month good?
  3. I went with the second style. It looks much better, thank you. I think I will just watch for any more recession for a few years and then find a good FUE doctor.
  4. I like the third hair style but my hairline is much worse, not sure if I can pull it off. How bad is mine on the norwood scale? My Dad had most of his hair in his 40s and started thinning in his 50s. Would I need finasteride and minoxidil? I have been monitoring my hairline since I was 18 and noticed no change.
  5. I'm 21 years old. The first pic is when I was 7 years old. Second is how I style my hair to hide my temple regions. Third is left temple. Fourth is right temple. Fifth is a top view. I never noticed this issue until I got a short hair cut in senior year of high school and people started commenting about my "receding hairline" or "old man haircut". Now I am almost done with college and I can't keep having a "boy" haircut to hide this issue. What can I do to fix it?
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