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Posts posted by Hairman300

  1. Dolph your result is good for 1600 grafts I dont no what that other guy was going on about in your other thread about it being poor. I am similar to yourself I just need new hairline to give a better cosmetic look. If the density doesn't come I will probably get another procedure.

  2. @eir thanks mate. @Juicer and @dolph I know reading in other threads it says it is common for one side to grow quicker. I was concerned that the technician on the right side was not experienced, well not like the girl on the left. I could hear her correcting the placements, infact Dr Saifi came in to inspect and took over to make sure they where right. He finished by saying I will have good density result but as Dolph has highlighted this is the time you doubt everything.

  3. @ 3 months and just into the 2nd week. I am slowly noticing the ouline forming on the hairline. Have been advised by the DR that it might not start growing proper until the 4th month onwards as everyone is different. It hard to see on the photo but there are new hairs coming through but still I assume more to burst through and form. The right side is lagging behind the left as well.


    This is a worrying time :(


  4. So coming upto the 3 month mark next week. So far I am pretty depressed about what I am seeing, but I no it early days!


    The image doesnt really show much new hairs but there is more on my left than the right side. The Dr says this is normal and I must wait to 4 months to start seeing proper progress. This time really does suck!!


    Image when hair was a bit wet.


  5. Juicer


    I order mine at Dr Saifi surgery. He gets them posted out to you. Just email him and he will get it all sorted. I order the hairmax laser 82 and all crlabs stuff. Havent a clue if it will help but it worth a shot.


    I did query him is this for real or some snake oil. He was very supportive of both products and based on his skills and reputation I decided to spend the extra. Time will tell.

  6. Guys got Dr Saifi to shave off the remaing hair.


    It was very strange seeing it but with my beard stubble I now look like extra out prison break lmao.


    Will get proper images when I get back. Again this was done today at my 2nd aftercare session. Anything I have asked he did it no extra cost guys during aftercare that says it all really.


  7. I was using Procepia for 2 years before it didn't do much for my hair. I am not taking that since August. So I may lose some hair if it kept any but I will be using the patches.


    I had the trichotest before my 1st transplant . I had no consultation before my 1st transplant. I started it a year later as I thought procepia would do.



    Dr Saifi not fan of procepia and does not recommend it in fact turn nose up at it. Even if it has proven results.

  8. hey guys, thanks for the replies.


    I am also wondering the same thing Tullynagardy but it seems from the replies that the doctor doesn't do a hard sell for the products. I have replied to Dr Saifi asking if its his preference for me to go there for a consultation before booking. Haven't received the reply yet but I will try and avoid two trips.


    I don't see a problem per se that the doctor will want your scalp in a good condition pre surgery but I just wonder why we don't see any other clinics doing this. Also, where is the evidence?


    hairman22 - Are you able to share with us how much these products are?


    One more thing. I am a norwood 6 and the doctor has recommended 2500 grafts now and around 1500 a year down the line on the crown. I don't ever see Dr Saifi doing more than 2500 in one op. I believe he is ethical but maybe too conservative? Even Bisanga has recommended 4000+ grafts for me.



    I only need 1950 after he expected it from the original 2500. I think highest would be 3000 in one day I asked him. Again that was FUE not sure about FUT maybe more but he does best practice no cowboy stuff.


    I have the full CRLAB price list which I can send on

  9. Hairman300 - Did Dr Saifi request you to come for the consultation months before the surgery? It would seem not from below?


    I`m currently also chatting with him and have been very pleasantly surprised at how approachable and talkative he is.


    My one concern was his insistence to come months before to analyze my scalp and buy the Crlabs products to get my scalp/hair in order first. No one else has requested this and it worried me he only wanted to sell this stuff. I always didnt fancy 2 trips.


    The issues you have had with donor area it would seem to validate his belief you should always have pre care to solve problems like yours and maximise reults. That`s why I`m curious you didnt go beforehand to remedy them?


    Congrats on operation btw, looks good.

    @ Tully


    No he did not, he told me he was booked out to the new year and only for me hound him for a cancellation I think I would have to waited longer. I just sent 4 images and that was it. I'm here now all done pain free and ready fly out in the morning.


    I am just back from day 2 aftercare got head all shaved to match. Bit strange seeing myself like that lol. Maybe new look lol


    the Scalp thing is actual important cause mine was a mess with all products i used etc over years. I need the Tri test and the creams have actual help already with the aftercare. I most likely dont need another opp cause rest hair thick but if I did it super important that donor scalp is healthy for extraction.


    It really come down common sense and what he is saying is true.


    Cheers :D

  10. Yep getting the middle shave for the new front grafts has now made me realise i need to shave the lot.

    Dreading that look given I could cover it before very well. But your right just got to wait now for the results and live under a baseball cap. Ether that or buy a wig lol


    Yep fingers crossed I get good results, after speaking to Dr Saifi today he said he was very happy and should have good density with only 1950 grafts. Suppose it helps thick curly hair once it grows out.

  11. @ Dolph yes I read your previous posts and few others which helped me make the decission.


    The hair was left long to cover up, the annoying thing is before I went I had full coverage of head hair cause it was curly and thick. I might just have to go for buzz as it does look mad at min lol. Part of me wondered why I went ahead but it was receding so better now than ever i suppose.


    I havent told anyone only my partner knows so again unless I hide away for the 6 months I will have to shock people and say.


    But given it seems be in thing everyone doing it the stigma not the same no more.


    Thanks for the advise, swelling gone down and I have not needed to take pain killer.


    Will keep the post updated over coming weeks and months ?

  12. @super : yep that did cross my mind but here is the thing he give me the option to buy direct from the company who produce the products in Italy or buy some stock he had in the clinic. Dr Saifi was not pushing the sale or some snake oil treatment it was about health of the hair and in particular for me my scalp as mentioned it was in bad way given I did not treat it good over time which had a knock on effect when extracting. My Donor area is very good graft amounts but I defo know I had to buy some treatments to help for the future.


    He has a separate lab for the Tri tests and some nice software and data finding, again I'm no expert but even I could see some of the data captured was worth while.


    At the end of the day the main point was the hair transplant it's where magic is no matter what meds or creams are used.


    I personally will never use Fin, Pro or mix but each to their own.


    This Surgeon is top of his game and always available. I had an aftercare free session today and I one tomorrow before head home.


    @Bill thanks I will keep a log and update once I get home. Now for the boring bit waiting on it to grow I have no patience lol ?

  13. Guys this is my first post and believe it or not I'm just finished my session with Dr Saifi today! On the meds so hopefully this reads ok lol.


    Where to start I have been receding for a long time now, but given my hair is thick and curly I could camouflage it. I have thought about having hair restoration for years now but kept putting it of due to life and never a second. Been researching for years all the best Doctors in US, UK and Ireland. My first choice was Dr Feller until I read about Dr Saifi based in Wroclaw Poland. As you probably read on this forum lots of great reviews and patient results etc.


    I decided to go ahead and book the trip to Poland. The day of the journey I got cold feet normally I'm never nervous of anything but this had my mind racing with self doubt. I decided to go on my own but I would recommend bring friend or partner.


    As stated in other posts. Chris the taxi driver picked me up and brought me to a lovely 4 star hotel right in centre of Wroclaw. It a beautiful city though to tell you the truth I stayed in the room most time going over whether is this right thing to do.


    Day of surgery which was today Chris pick myself up and another surgeon who Dr Saifi was training as this is something he does to bring younger doctors up to acceptable standards.


    From the minute you arrive your made to feel at ease. Dr Saifi arrived soon after and the consultancy started. What I liked was he listened to what I wanted but also factored in the sensible approach as I wanted my 20yr old hairline back lol. (Maybe next op :) part of the procedure he does a trichology exam which in my case was important given the abuse i put my scalp under. Super important if your going for an op make sure you look after your donor area mine was inflamed with all products and not washing it weekly. This had an effect on extraction and will slow down healing.


    So down to the op I went for FUE didnt fancy FUT and getting lump cut out my scalp no thanks. Yes I know all the pros for FUT but its not worth it in my eyes.


    Got the head shaved at back and sides, kept the top length to Camouflage the top as it grows out. Dr saifi thought I was going for the viking look with the beard as well lol.


    Again during extraction of donor it was slower than normal given my inflamed doner area.

    However it like being at the dentist pain wise it fine really didnt feel much until the drugs wear off.


    Bit of lunch (nice)


    During the implant stage to the recipient area Dr saifi mentioned it had turned out much better than he thought with very good density. Sorry should have said at the start was down for 2500 grafts but he decided all I needed was 2000.


    On first look I loved the hairline look, though I would still like it lower but once it grows out maybe not. Dr Saifi did say he could do this the next time if I wanted.


    So basically that it now I'm feeling sore back in the hotel and no chance of sleep. I have another followup session tomorrow for aftercare and advise, creams etc.


    Overall guys if you live in the UK or Ireland this is a no brainer just a 2 hour flight your here. This guy is the real deal top of his profession more so than the rest and that factual with his certs and experience.


    Anyway if you want know more just ask, but if you ring Dr Saifi you get the man not the sales rep. Overall like the rest of DR Saifi posts he does what it says on the tin :) also quick mention to his team their also very skilled at extraction and implanting in the 3,2,1 hair graft ranges.

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