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Everything posted by 24needmore

  1. Clean design, looks great! Going to be fantastic result. Side question: Did you go in wanting to have a procedure with Dr. Konior and then were given an opportunity were Dr. Nadimi? I am researching both but leaning more towards Dr. Konior but he is very persistent that he is unavailable for 1+ years and not really taking patients. I'm still planning for having one 1-2 years out but I'm not sure I understand why he wouldn't be accepting new ones especially when next year comes around, who is he going to serve?
  2. Can I ask how the consultation went and what kind of advice she provided? I as well agreed to do a consultation with her but I would prefer to wait and have Konior. Has anyone had an experience where you indicated you wanted Konior to do the procedure instead of her and what kind of reaction did she have?
  3. Is there anybody that recently got accepted for a procedure with Dr. Konior? Obviuosly in very high demand but just trying to get a sense of how far in advance is schedule is booked? He had mentioned to me in the past that he is not accepting any new patients so was just curious if anybody else has received that response as well.
  4. It really does bother me alot but JeanLuc does make a good point. At any age, I'm assuming when men start losing their hair, it's a shock to them and they'll like try to do anything to fix it and very few will likely get over it if they are on the younger side. I do take fin everyday and have for about 3 years or so. I've always been curious on how consistent you have to be. Like usually I wake up at 8am and just take it when I wake up but on weekends, I get up at around 9:30 or 10 or I'd stay at a friend's house and didn't bring it with me or skipped a day (rare) and have always wondered what kind of affect that's had. I did minox for maybe a good 2 years but I was buying really expensive stuff and I couldn't justify the price compared to the results because my only issue at the time was at the front and obviously it doesn't really work in that area. I just bought the Costco minox so I'll be getting back on it and monitoring how it goes over the next couple of months. I guess if I've taken anything away from everybody's posts is just wait and see while still doing research and taking feedback from docs. Maybe 25 is too early. I'm also don't want one that makes me look like I'm 20/21. I look old enough already and I just want it to fit my look so a perfect hairline is obviously not in the cards but a mature one? That is more along the lines of what would be attainable.
  5. Thanks I really do appreciate all the input. I've never really talked about it with anybody since I don't feel comfortable in raising it up in a conversation. I also don't think anybody around my age who i regularly talk to is experiencing it as quick as I am. My age is my biggest fear and the fact that I'm a 4/5 scares me a little bit now but I'm still going to do my fair share of research. I'm from Toronto and it's not exactly easy to from city to city to see these recommended doctors in North America. Should I just be doing online consults to see what each has to say? I know Cam Simmons is in Toronto so I could easily do a live consultation there and Rahal is in Ottawa which is only 5 hours and could be made into a road trip. You guys are truly so helpful and I'm so, so thankful that you take time out of your day to respond!
  6. Thanks for both of your opinions. I obviously don't want to write anything off yet and I do realize my age has everything going against me. What do you recommend for a timeline between research and then consultations before I have enough information to decide?
  7. I appreciate your two cents HTR. Why was your experience so negative and how has it impacted your life since? Obviously there are counterarguments to every subjective decision that you can make. I understand cosmetic procedures like this generate scrutiny by others. Honestly, I do agree to an extent that your hair should not matter on how people judge you, etc. and you know what, if I was 35 or 40 with my hairline, I'd probably say f*uck it and shave it. But that isn't the world we live in and self-confidence is important to many people regardless of how it's attained. I really would like to do one but obviously I'm still in my due diligence phase and I've done a fraction of research required needed to make a decision. It's so easy to say "yeah, I'm going to do it, it's going to fix everything" but I do realize that expectations do need to be managed and I want to be sure that my goals can be reached before I commit.
  8. Hey HTsoon, I looked through your photos and they're awesome! I'm guessing I'm a little bit further along than you were at my age probably but you pre-op and post-op pics are night and day. How did you attack your plan? What areas of your head were you targeting first and how did you know you were going to need multiple?
  9. I take no disrespect at all to anyone's comments. I am here to learn about everything that I need to know in order to make a sound decision. I guess I'm a little biased with my norwood grade as I always thought I was a 3 or 3v and maybe 4 but never thought it was as bad as a 5. I probably don't doubt it now though. What are the implications of a 5/6 with a HT? How well can someone age with it? I've tried to find pictures of someone 20-30 years after but I don't think I've seen any. For myself, I don't think I can really go too aggressive. I know I'm not 20 and I don't want to look 20 because I do look naturally older anyway so I'm just looking to find a solution that I can age well into my 30s and 40s. I really do resonate with you've said and I'm sure you experienced it first hand. My hairline was never super low or youthful so I definitely don't need to go down that route but my expectations are reasonable and I believe it can be restored to a level that I'd be comfortable with down the road. I'm interested more into a mature hairline than super youthful. I do still get cold feet thinking about it because I do realize 25 is super young and also there has got to be a point of no return where you just accept it and move on and shave. Obviously that point is different for everybody and mine would be if there was just nothing left in the next 4 or 5 years. I don't anticipate that and my genetics would agree but I obviously drew the short stick out of the hair pool so anything can happen at this point.
  10. I've added some pictures for everyone to see. I just came out of the shower so it probably looks slightly thinner but regardless, it's thin. I guess it's gotten worse since I last took pictures of myself. Never thought that bald spot would spread as fast as I anticipated and I knew the front was gone a while ago. It also pains me to see my full scalp in the mirror under direct light in the bathroom but maybe it's the combination of light and wet hair I also have read alot of the arguments for both FUE and FUT. I think I'm pretty open to the both. I dont think I'm bothered by the scar that much but if I were to have one, I'd love for it to be minimized. I also enjoy shorter hair, but not like 1 or 2 buzz cut short but probably a 5 or 6 on the back and around the sides and a little bit longer on top. I think for my situation, I believe FUT is best so I can maximize the amount transferred. How do the consultations work? Can I call them? Send them pictures? Skype? How far in advance are these docs booked for consultations and the actual procedures?
  11. 24needmore

    From the album: Aug 18, 2017

  12. 24needmore

    From the album: Aug 18, 2017

  13. 24needmore

    Aug 18, 2017

  14. 24needmore

    From the album: Aug 18, 2017

  15. 24needmore

    From the album: Aug 18, 2017

  16. 24needmore

    From the album: Aug 18, 2017

  17. 24needmore

    From the album: Aug 18, 2017

  18. Thanks for your responses. I'll be 25 by the time of an HT but I know that doesn't change much. I ordered the Costco Kirkland minoxidil so that should be arriving somewhat soon and hopefully that will help again. Ofcourse still doing my research and due diligence on doctors and the procedure in general. And yes I will get some pictures up ASAP by the afternoon.
  19. Hi everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read what I have to say; it's been a long journey. I've been lurking this form for a while in the past but this past week for some reason I've gone into the depths of posts and I found out some really good information that I hadn't known in the past and it really inspired me to tell my story and seek out advice on my next steps (or at least what I think I should do). An old teammate of mine pointed out my receding hairline at 17(!). Life pretty much hasn't been the same since. Although it was small recession when I was 17, from what I can remember I did notice it and I was extremely self-conscious about it in high school. It wasn't until about 20 that it really started to bug me to which I went to visit Dr. Robert Jones for a consultation. Not that I was thinking about a hair transplant at the time (I didn't even know that it was a thing, really), I was obviously very young and he prescribed me proscar to which I still use today (split into 4 little pieces). University went by and my confidence just never recovered. Every time I looked in the mirror all I could say to my self was "f*ck....". It really wasn't that bad, I'll admit that. But it was noticeable and I hated people pointing it out to me because I obviously knew about it and I just wanted to think no one cared. Ages 20-22 were so-so, I ended up using Dr. Jones' version of minoxidil (extra strength 12%) which after reading everything this past week about him, I can't even say for certain that it was extra strength and he was charging $100+ per bottle which would only last a month at a time. I never realized it wasn't going to work on my hairline until maybe 22 or 23 and I started noticing maybe a small bald spot developing (or so I thought) so every few nights I would just dab a few more on there. I was also using Nioxin at the time so maybe that is what delayed hair loss a little bit for those few years. At 23, I discovered Toppik and I can say that has really turned around my life for the better. I know it's a temporary solution but it makes me feel so much better about myself when I go out in public and talk to people and I can show that I'm not some 23 year old with a receding hairline that looks like he's 33. I'm still hesitant about going out in direct sunlight with it because it doesn't work as well at the hairline as about 65% of the hairs there have fallen out but somehow I make it work with proper styling and whatnot. Anyway, I decided to get off minoxidil to save all that money and the nioxin too because I didn't think it worked and have just stuck to toppik since then, while still using my fin. However since what feels like the calendar year turned to 2017, it's like it's just accelerating at a pace that I haven't experienced before. I have no real genetic hair loss in my family. I think my grandpa (mom's dad) started getting it in his 70s but that's about it and my dad has a thick head of hair. My brother was good up until this year when even he started noticing it on himself but its just the temples and not even close to how bad mine is. Maybe my biological age is just older than my real age (haha) but I think I've tried it all to fix what apparently I can't really fix by myself. For the past two or so years, I've always have just been committed to the idea of getting a hair transplant when I was 25. I feel like that is early, I do realize that it probably is early, but I also do think my hair loss pattern can be figured out by a professional as to which he can think of a plan of attack. I decided to go back on minoxidil and biotin to at least see what that can do for me in the mean time as I really do think that played a role but I know that won't help in the long run. I have saved up enough money for an HT and I really think its my next step but I want to hear everyone's thoughts on it or maybe their own story of how they decided. Outside of my mom, who I made sure she swore to secrecy, no one knows about the stuff I do to my hair and trying to minimize appearance of hair loss. I really would like to keep it that way and I've looked at timelines of weeks and months of other procedures and I think I have a plan to manage it. I work in the accounting industry and it is obviously very busy from January to June but we get overtime off so I can potentially book of 6-8 weeks in July or August to do it and relax and hopefully by the end of my vacation, it can be reasonable that no one would know (might have to use light toppik in the mean time but thats okay). I was originally planning to go to Dr. Robert Jones because he's in my backyard but after seeing all of those complaints, I really thank this website for maybe saving me because that would have been a horrible mistake and a terrible deciding factor because he so close to where I live. I do live by the motto "buy nice or buy twice" so I don't wan't to penny pinch on a good doctor because it is a long-term procedure. So far from what I have researched, Dr. Rahal (in Ottawa), Dr. Cooley, and Dr. Alexander are all doctors who I've heard tremendous things about and I'm sure there are plenty more that I just haven't come across yet. They likely have different styles and I guess I'm trying to figure out which doctor would be best for my goals. Im a NW 3 with a bit of a bald spot developing but it isn't really too noticeable yet. I really want my hairline restored and it's been a wish of mine from the beginning. I could probably live with a bald spot or a faded one as I get older but for now, I cannot stand the receding look and I think it looks terrible on me. Obviously Rahal would be cheaper for me since he would be in Canadian dollars versus in USD but I really don't want to spare any last cent if I don't need to and money will not be the deciding factor. It's late but I just wanted to get this off my chest. I guess I'll post some pictures up tomorrow when I get a chance to help any of you visualize my look. I really do have lots of questions but I don't want to just rapid fire them out in a thread so I'll probably ask them as I go along. I really do want to thank everybody that has posted on here to share their experiences as it has given be inspiration to seek out something that I haven't had in a long, long time. I'm young and I really want to enjoy these years but my self-confidence or lack thereof has really affected my ability to do things that I like but I also want to regain a look that is more appropriate with my age.
  20. 24needmore


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