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Everything posted by abh

  1. I got my procedure done in June 2016 and it was undoubtedly the best decision I ever made!! I was categorized as Stage 4 and got a FUE done with 3262 grafts. The results have been unbelievable and it has boosted my confidence ever since. I am so glad I went ahead with Dr. Diep as I compared his results with other doctors and theirs was incomparable to Dr. Diep’s. I’m so glad I chose the right doctor. I remember consulting with Dr. Diep in around May 2016 and immediately booked an appointment for Oct 2016. I had asked them to schedule as soon as possible and they added me to the waitlist. I got a call within 2 weeks that someone has cancelled their surgery and asked if I want to take that spot. I immediately said yes and book my appointment the following week. Dr. Diep’s staff will give you complete details of the pre and post surgery care well ahead of time. Day before the surgery, I was told to not eat anything spicy to avoid excess bleeding and I showed up at their clinic at around 7:30am. Dr. Diep’s staff asked me to sign some waiver related paperwork and he gave medication and I dozed off. I woke up around 1am for lunch and to use the restroom. Dr. Diep was done removing the grafts and I do remember seeing myself in the mirror and the bleeding was far less than what I had expected. After lunch they gave me another set of sedatives and I woke up at around 8:30pm again. That was the time when they were done implanting the grafts. Throughout the procedure there was literally no pain I experienced. The surgery went well and Dr. Diep told me to go home and relax. My head was covered in bandage and was wearing a surgical hat that covered my head. I remember had no problem walking to the pharmacy where my wife and I went to pick up some medication. After coming home, I remember sleeping on my couch throughout the night. Again, the whole time I didn’t feel pain throughout. The next 3/4 days were the most critical! My wife and I took the utmost care. We drove to doctor’s clinic to get my washes done. I remember getting a lot of hiccups but those were mostly the side effect of the sedatives they gave on the day of the surgery. They went away after 4th day or so. After the 4th day, my wife started doing my head washes at home and we kept taking the necessary care. For the first 7 days or so, I slept on the couch with almost at a 125 degree angle. Apart from that I was mostly relaxing till my 15th day as I had taken off for 1 week another wfh week to recover from surgery. Hair on my sides had started growing already and was looking really normal towards the 15th day. It was really difficult to say if I had got any procedure done as there were literally no marks on the back of my head or on the side where the grafts were taken off from. I started going to work after 15 days of rest and was able to do my usual things. A month from my surgery I went on a week long trip too without any issues. Although, the top of my head was numb for almost 1.5 - 2 months from the day of the surgery but that never bothered me at all. Somewhere around 2nd month my hair started shedding and that went till 3rd month or so. Then around 4.5 month to 6 months was one of the best periods where you see your hair growing almost everyday! And at the end of six month I was looking more handsome than I ever looked as a teenager. From six months till date my hair has continuously grown and I think I’ve got really mind blowing results because of Dr. Diep! With that said, I would highly recommend you to get a treatment done at Dr. Diep. Take your time to save money as much as you can but get your treatment done at Dr. Diep. I seriously got better results than I would have ever expected.
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