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    United States
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Hair Loss Overview

  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last year
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood I

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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Thanks so much, I feel relieved knowing someone else experienced a similar situation as a result of Niz overuse and got through it I haven't used the stuff since I started shedding, which at this point is around 7 days ago, and I'm still shedding... not sure if it's less than the first day(s), but it's still going on, which is very unnerving given that prior to using Nizoral I'd never experienced anything like this At 23, it's my first time seeing more than 3 or 4 individual hairs come off my after running my hands through my hair - as in 3 or 4 hairs total in a whole day, not every time I touched my hair If you wouldn't mind telling me, how long did it take for the excess shedding caused by the Nizoral to stop after discontinuing use? (I know some shedding is normal, but the amount I've seen since this Nizoral incident is totally unprecedented for me) Basically, I'd like to get some idea of the amount of time that this excess shedding can continue before I have to say "okay, this can't be because of the Nizoral anymore, I'm just starting to go bald", whereupon I'd begin a full anti-hairloss regimen (fin, minox, etc)
  2. Hey guys. So, my story: I'm not really suffering from male pattern baldness -yet- (to the best of my knowledge, anyway - I hadn't shed or lost an alarming amount of hair prior to this event), but my father's father had a receding hairline (father hairline is a stable NW1, no hairloss on mother's side). I'm terrified of going bald and I heard from my dad that his father started at around my age (23). As soon as I heard that, my anxiety kicked in and I decided to take "preventative measures" by hopping on some """natural""" hairloss aids like Saw Palmetto and Castor Oil (may or may not do anything, but if nothing else they make me feel better), as well as 1% Nizoral, since it's available OTC. I've been using the Nizoral every day for around a week or so, applying it in the shower and leaving it on for 2-3 minutes before rinsing it off. I think I might have gone overboard with it... earlier today, my scalp started burning/itching after applying it and when I went to rinse it off, there were lots of hairs stuck on my hands after I pulled them away. I kept running my hands through my hair, and every time, I'd find some hair on my hands after the fact. Now, I don't think the number of individual hairs lost was in the 200+ range like with a lot of male pattern baldness sufferers, but it was still more hair than I've ever seen come off my head in the shower before in my entire life. My scalp felt very uncomfortable afterward, kinda itchy or "scaly"? I put some moisturizing oil on my hair and went to bed, didn't touch or scratch my head at all for fear of more hair falling out. It's a day later and I finally rinsed all that oil out of my hair and to my horror, I lost a bunch of hair in the shower again... no idea how many, but my hands were covered in them. I almost had a panic attack in the shower. My scalp still feels kind of tender and itchy all over the place. I'm terrified that I've done some kind of permanent damage, or maybe kick-started what was up to this point latent male pattern baldness. I had no idea Nizoral was this hardcore - the whole reason I decided to try it in the first place was that I assumed that the 1% version would be "mild" relative to the 2% version that requires a script. Is this kind of shedding something that can happen due to overuse of Nizoral? After desperately searching on Google, I found some cases of other people who experienced similar shedding after overusing ketoconazole shampoo, but I'm not sure what to make of them... anyone here have experience with this? Will the hair grow back? Should I just get on Finasteride and all the other stuff ASAP? Thanks in advance for any help guys. Sorry if this post seems all over the place or incoherent, I'm super scared and nervous ATM.
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    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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