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Everything posted by transplantSurvivor

  1. Thanks for the detailed response Spanker. Although everyone seems to be telling me that it was a mistake could you elaborate on why 8000 grafts cannot be extracted from the beard? I know I have that many grafts. I did a bulk measurement. There are many cases of 8000 scalp grafts online. If you complement it with 8000 beard grafts you should get a pretty reasonable result. I know if it was this easy then everyone would be doing it. But what exactly is the problem?
  2. Thanks beHappy. But then what about the long term plan? I am going towards a NW6. There is no doubt about that. Do I continue chasing it with additional transplants? Don't really know what to do.
  3. Yes my new forehead is 5cm!! The surgeon was in India. Do you mean that I get the current transplanted hair removed? I was under the impression that I could get 10000 scalp grafts and another 6-8 thousand beard grafts to fill out my entire head.
  4. I am 22 years old. I was suffering from initial stages of MPB and got a hair transplant with 1500 grafts. I am attaching photos to help. All the men in my family have a NW6 type hairloss pattern. It was a rash decision which I am hoping you guys can help with. I am attaching photos of my donor area as well as my beard. I am willing to move my entire beard to the crown area if needed. I have been using finasteride for the last 5 years (from age 17). But I have aggressive hairloss and it is progressing. Please help me form a master plan for life. :confused::confused::confused: Also i think I was scammed with the number of grafts. How many grafts do you guys think were transplanted. The transplanted area is around 2.5 cm at its widest and 15cm long. Money should not be an issue. Also how is my scar. My new forehead is 5cm.
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