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Posts posted by MattyNJ1

  1. Ive included some "progression" pics that show the thinning since back in 2010ish to the present day...they are not as of the perspective of hair loss photos but just photos i choose to illustrate the loss non the less...It has progressively started thinning since around that time slowly, and i started rogaine as soon as i realized i was receding.


    the 1st pic is prob the last pic i took b4 the thinning started and shows my natural front hairline (which really was always a tad high)


    and as you can see ive always seemed to have enough to provide coverage and shadow to get by just fine, despite trying different hairstyles to conceal the changes...


    In the end i grown the top quite long and sides short, with a side part and prob the modern day equivalent of a "comb over" and although its not my old hair line, its not that bad either....


    edit: forgot to mention ive been taking Viviscal (hair vitamins)? as recommended by the Dr for about a year now as well.







  2. I also don't think any reputable doctor will only do 1,000 grafts at a time on you since they'll have to be concentrated in a particular area - sometimes densely packed based on how low you go with your hairline & what you're trying to achieve overall. Grafts are not "sprinkled" over the entirety of your balding area, they're concentrated in a particular area to give the best natural grouping appearance. 1k grafts focused just on your hairline for example would look completely odd given you would have less density and progressive hair loss behind it. For your 1st surgery, most doctors will focus on your frontal third zone - by framing your face - which is the most important aspect of any HT surgery. You would probably need anywhere between 2500-3500 grafts - just to accomplish that, without touching the midscalp and crown. Again, multiple consultations with recommended HT surgeons is key, but I think I'd be safe in saying you'll hear something similar to what I've just stated here.


    Yeah i would say your not far off....i had a consultation last summer this time, and was actually told i would only need 2000, of which he said i had an outstanding donor area. Iam with you in thinking somewhere around 2500 for sure...Thanks.

  3. I've actually had the same concerns that you just stated... Maybe I am just a late balding person however my gut tells me that I think my thinning hair is just a result of my own getting old and thinning overtime...


    in the end you're probably right I've had in the end you're probably right I've had the same concerns that you stated and truthfully my first inkling was to do the 2500 Mega session, seems the more you read and research the more confusing the choice gets. But being an artistic person by Nature, I could easily analyze my scalp underneath my sunroof in the rear view mirror on a sunny day and see that I probably need $5,000 follicle unit implants as well LOL in fact maybe more to be a perfectionist! But the truth is even now I've never even had one person say a word to me except for maybe when my hair gets wet my girlfriend might say yeah it's thinning a little bit. So just too thick in the front and vertex would be all the expectation that I would have for myself...


    No hormones for me although I've actually thought about that and wondered if it would help or hurt but haven't gotten into any hormone therapy... I've also read about underlying health concerns or problems that could contribute to your hair thinning and started to second guess my health... that being said I eat right I'm an advit Runner, cyclist, I'm in the gym 3 4 days a week most of my adult life.


    my gut tells my gut tells me that my thinning is probably just a normal progression of my own head hereditary aging I could be wrong but I'm no spring chicken LOL. Great advice either way I appreciate your input!

    I guess it would make more sense to go through this process one time only..

  4. thanks for thanks for the input... I read the entire thread from doctor Feller and he posts a very compelling argument that I tend to agree with he's also a doctor and which is in my area and am considering.... that being said I've also seen fantastic results with FUE.


    the the problem is I see a lot of men at the gym with that scar which proves that however many years ago they felt that their hair could cover it and maybe did for a while but now are left with what I call the " lobotomy scar" no disrespect to anyone that has it just a term that has resonated with me as I find it very hard to justify a scar such as that.


    that that being said I think hereditary factors and early balding has to be considered I'm 49 years old and have had a pretty decent run as far as thick hair my whole life, I don't have any predisposed hereditary problems in my family with balding, however I am thinning faster every year for the past five or six years which has me leaning towards Fue maybe in two or three sessions to get me through this next phase of my life. my thought is that in smaller sessions Maybe 800 to 1000 at a time it would reduce the exposure time for the follicles to die or be damaged and maybe touch up as needed over the years starting with my front hairline.


    I've had one consultation last I've had one consultation last summer with a local Doctor Who does it robotically which after research for the last year I've ruled him out but at that time he recommended between 800 and 1500 graphs truthfully I think I need more like 2000 maybe even 2500.


    I guess one way of approaching it could be to do a thousand at a time over the next 5 years or so I'm not sure I'm still in the preliminary research stages but at the same time I am also interested in moving forward.


    I appreciate the advice and this great Forum which has been a wealth of information for me.

  5. Stay on the Rogaine and get on Propecia for at least a year. Vertex (crown) probably won't be an issue anymore and you will even see improvement in mid-scalp as well. Then you can how you want to address the hairline. You may not need to. Don't rush this. A hair transplant, for most, is a tool in the box of hair loss solutions. A one and done HT approach is not for most. A multi-therapy approach will best way to maintain what you have and prepare your scalp for future surgery.


    thanks for the advise, although i dont think i want to try Fin from what i read about the side effects.

  6. 1) That's pretty harsh and just a sly dig. It doesn't contribute to anything in the discussion, whether you agree with Doctor Feller or not

    2) He has had procedures done. His whole hair is transplanted hair as he says in his Youtube videos.


    Not at all. It was a sincere question and ABSOLUTELY relevant to this discussion/debate (that ive literally been reading for the past 6hrs straight). Dr Feller disclosing WHICH procedures he has had (if so) or whether or not hes had one at all and WHY are very relevant...no dig.

  7. Nah, you don't even know what my business practices are. We've never met nor ever done business together. And after 24 years of full time successful national and international practice, multiple clinics, thousands of patients and not a single lawsuit or litigation of any kind I think my business ethics and practices are pretty solid.


    You are just angry because you don't want to accept the truth about FUE. Hey, if you are so convinced of it's merits why bother to attack me? Just go ahead and get it done. You certainly don't need my approval.


    Curious as to why you havnt done one the procedures yourself? You certainly are a candidate from the pictures ive seen of you. Always found it odd whether it be a cosmetic dentist with bad teeth etc...why haven't they become their own billboard so to speak..Thanks

  8. DO NOT HAVE ROBOTIC OR ARTAS FUE .. most well respected doctors have discontinued using the ARTAS robot in their practice because they felt they could achieve better results with a manual FUE extraction procedure - that includes Rahal and more recently H&W.


    Just do a quick google search of FUE vs FUT - it's the 2 basic procedures being offered now in hair transplantation surgery. FUT is the traditional strip surgery method which many claim to be the gold standard because you move the most amount of grafts in the most efficient method by cutting a strip of your scalp from the back of your head which is then dissected into follicular units of 1 - 2 - or 3 hair grafts to be implanted in the recipient sites. This is the more invasive procedure because you will have a linear scar in the back of your head.


    FUE is where grafts are taken one by one from your donor area via a manual or motorized punch for transplantation to your balding area. This is more time consuming , less invasive and quicker healing time - as you have small little holes or dots spread out all over your donor area or what they call the safe zone. You can't get ad many grafts in one sitting as you can in a traditional FUT surgery - so sometimes for significant hair loss patients more than 1 surgery is required .


    Again - DO NOT GO ROBOTIC or ARTAS! yes Feller is a highly respected and top knot here surgeon on his field as well as the others I mentioned. Get more than one opinion for your case .


    Thanks appreciate the response..i re posted this in the question and answer forum as i was not getting many... Yes ive settled on NOT doing robotic, and for FUE. Just researching the top Dr's in my area Feller seems very expensive. Thanks again.

  9. Hi, new here just stumbled onto this forum, and want to say how great it is with such a wealth of great information!


    Iam 49 (this September) and Ive been thinning for about 4 yrs now and iam now considering FUE mostly for my front hair line Vertex and lastly crown area. Ive already had a consultation last summer and was told i have a great donor area and am an excellent candidate for HT


    Ive grow it much longer since the pics, and have enough to conceal and get by but i think its getting to be about that time to do something about the problem. I was hoping to schedule FUE sometime in September / October and deal with the recovery thru winter.


    Not sure where i fall on the Norwood scale can anyone take a guess?


    Iam mostly thinning in the temple , vertex crown areas, been using Rogaine for 7months straight now, and for about 4 yrs on and off. Not sure i want to try Fin due to the side effects ive read about.




    Looking for recommendations for the best HT techniques money can buy, and Doctors in the Tri state area NY / NJ / Pa but i would consider traveling within the US for the right Dr.


    Any input would be appreciated thanks.





  10. amazing results been following your progress from here in NJ...may have to book a date with your Dr. soon!....question, during the ugly duckling phase and early on post surgery can you cover your head with a scarf or something to hide?...what about sweating at the gym? I run everyday of my life! lol

  11. Ive been thinning for about 4 yrs now and iam now considering robotic hair replacement, mostly for my front hair line and crown area. Seems to be speeding up every year lol. Ive grow it much longer since the pics, and have enough to conceal and get by but i think its getting to be about that time to do something while i still have some left.


    It is my understanding that the follicles taken from the thick donor areas in the back, aren't pre disposed to fall out like the top making the transplantation a good bet to be successful.


    Not sure where i fall on the Norwood scale can anyone take a guess?


    Also what would be the best advise for my condition?


    Iam mostly thining in the temple and crown areas, been using Rogaine for 7months straight now, and for about 4 yrs on and off. I wont do Fin.


    Any input would be appreciated thanks.




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