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Everything posted by bozlak

  1. no it was all normal include the shock loss. after 3 months hair began to rise but in 4 months began to fall out. mostly they look too strong to fall out.
  2. Here are some pics İ'im in 5 months of ht and hair falling goes on. my surgeon adviced to take finasterid 1.25 mg per day instead of 1 mg. says that in the beginning of summer DHT amount rises in body for males?? i don't think this is the solution. Some says that PRP can be a cure for this. looking for prp option.
  3. No i haven't. But even if have been changed why only the transplanted hairs are falling. really confused
  4. Hi guys, i had a hair transplant 5 months ago. using finasterid(1mg), biotin ve multivitamin. until 3,5 months my transplanted area was looking good and the growth had been not great but i was satisfied. However the transplanted hair began to fall out aggressively beginning at 4 months until now and on. I had a full blood test and everything is normal. The crown area lost its density. it's not the native hair that fall out. i know it's normal to 50-100 hairs fall per day but this is a real agressive shedding that's not typical i think. I am very confused about the situation. Will they grow up again?
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