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Everything posted by GZ

  1. Ah I understand. The reason I went back for a second procedure was because the first procedure didn't fill in the middle. It was moste like a 1.5 inch crown around the front hairline. During the second procedure I asked her to fill in and add density. I feel like it is quite a bit better. Could it be improved? Perhaps. I also think some of your circles are pretty arbitrary. I had just gotten out of the shower and dried my hair. Didn't style or use any product ... And I'm due for a haircut tmrw
  2. Unsure my man. I think I have the density one would expect after ~2200 grafts based on what I had before. The circle on the right was after a welding accident where a splatter landed on my head and the hair hasnt grow back. You can see it at 1:00 in your circle.
  3. Yes I can get you some updated photos. I actually had a second procedure done in spring of 2020. Will add photos this evening ✌️
  4. 12 days out. Hoping the bumps around the grafts heal. I've been reading about cobble stoning. That's not happening, is it? I also wish the grafts were placed in a way that they faded more into the back of my scalp. It's so dense in the front, then thinking immediately. I had thought slightly more area was going to be covered. Thoughts?
  5. Some updated photos from day 7. I had a hat on earlier, hence the forehead line. Looks like it's healing nicely. Def a difference in density between the fradts and the hair behind it for an inch or two. Wonder if that's gonna be a problem. Hairline seems to be ok. One day I think it looks fine, the next a little too angled. Healing well though. Almost all the graft scabs fell off and the donor area is almost all healed as well. I've been using rogaine for a few days now to try to avoid shock loss. I've also been using a shea butter based cream on it that seems to be helping w the healing.
  6. Thanks Cruz. I'm 35. Having a heck of a time getting photos up. Let's see if these work ... https://goo.gl/photos/3ZiK4TbHAk9i4fW8A
  7. Didn't look like I was swollen at all so I started to take the tape off ... Had some swelling drop into my forehead. Took some Motrin and I'm icing it. Everything else seems to be healing fine. Will add photos shortly.
  8. Hi all, Just want to share and document my experience. Had my procedure today w Dr. Lovitt at the Hair Sciences Center (office of Dr. Harris) in Denver. Dr. Lovitt and her staff were amazing. Very accommodating and made me feel comfortable the entire time. I decided against the IV sedative. The first few minutes were mildly irritating as they numbed up my dome, but after that they did a very good job of keeping me numb by reinjecting through the procedure. We got started around 9am and were done around 3pm. Just resting at home and following the post op instructions. Gonna upload photos. I welcome any questions and of course, any encouraging words. I've been reading these forms for years and have you all to thank for getting Dr. Harris, Dr. Lovitt and their staff on my radar. Thanks!
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