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Posts posted by juicer404

  1. So I decided to buzz it down all to one length. Im just couple days past 4 month stage. I can see lots more we thin black hairs coming through where there is some gaps. Hopefully more will break through and thicken.


    Here a photo of it buzz, as you can see round front it lighter density.



    looks much better like that, its a waiting game now

  2. @ 3 months and just into the 2nd week. I am slowly noticing the ouline forming on the hairline. Have been advised by the DR that it might not start growing proper until the 4th month onwards as everyone is different. It hard to see on the photo but there are new hairs coming through but still I assume more to burst through and form. The right side is lagging behind the left as well.


    This is a worrying time :(


    I’m in the same boat mate, right still lagging , I’m hoping for drastic changes come march

  3. So coming upto the 3 month mark next week. So far I am pretty depressed about what I am seeing, but I no it early days!


    The image doesnt really show much new hairs but there is more on my left than the right side. The Dr says this is normal and I must wait to 4 months to start seeing proper progress. This time really does suck!!


    Image when hair was a bit wet.


    im around the same as u, just near 3 months, same with more on left than right,

  4. Juicer


    I order mine at Dr Saifi surgery. He gets them posted out to you. Just email him and he will get it all sorted. I order the hairmax laser 82 and all crlabs stuff. Havent a clue if it will help but it worth a shot.


    I did query him is this for real or some snake oil. He was very supportive of both products and based on his skills and reputation I decided to spend the extra. Time will tell.


    cheers mate, ill prob go with crlab green box so, he gave me about 4 or 5 mild shampoo samples, they should cover me for first 14 days easy or more

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