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Posts posted by Arminius

  1. 13 minutes ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    The hairline looks fantastic, there’s been a lot of talk of FUE being inferior in terms of growth, what did Dr. Hasson say about his FUE growth rate? Cause this look as good as any FUT result they’ve showcased.

    Thank you! The growth rate was off the charts in my case. I think I recall being told more than 96% of the transplanted hairs grew. My temples took longer to thicken up for some reason. Hairs grew best in my scar tissue (I had a nasty one from a childhood accident, around 3 inches long by 1” thick). You cannot see the scar any longer.

    I have zero idea why anyone would comment negatively about FUE. My experience and outcome are categorically fantastic.

    I should add I am still on Finasteride and I do not drink alcohol nor do I smoke.

  2. Hi everyone, I am going to bring this post back to life. 

    For some odd reason, all of my photos were deleted. I will upload photos I took this morning. Dr. Hasson is, in my opinion, the absolute king of the hair transplant world. 

    Around three years out from my surgery and I cannot describe how my life has changed for the better. It is transformative to a degree I cannot put into words.

    3 years after surgery:









  3. I’m not that thrilled with the results, density is not where I thought it would be at this stage. On another note I do see a lot of fine hair that has to mature and a couple of new hairs poking through.


    Keep in mind these pictures were takin in harsh over head lighting and with me combing my hair back to expose the areas.


    I took pictures before showering so my hair was oily, and pictures after I showered (wet). I will also show how my hair is dried after I showered because it does look different than the ones I took before showering.


    Let me know what you guys think ? Do I still have a shot of some nice thickness still coming ?


    I see what you are talking about. At five months post-op, my results were three times as dense as this. I would go back and demand a fix.

  4. 6 months and 5 days post-op. Both of the below photos were taken in pretty harsh lighting. I also think that the Finasteride is finally beginning to work in my crown. My hair appears thicker and I barely lose more tha31531.jpgn 10 hairs per day. Before taking Finasteride, I would run my fingers through my hair and at least 5 hairs would come out every time. This is no longer the case.






    For a comparison of my crown, here is a pre-op and pre-Finasteride photo (admittedly with much longer hair, which makes the transformation even more pronounced):



    Updated photos of the back of my head at 9 months and 3 weeks post-op. This will put to rest whether Proscar works wonders...





  5. Outstanding mate. Best money ever spent. I know what your mean about the hair coarseness. Mine has a mind of its own tbh at 12 months.


    100%. Best $17k I ever spent. I would go back in a heartbeat. Not a single visible scar, even when shaved down to a zero. I already asked whether I may need future work but I was told I am fine for many years (assuming I stay on Proscar). I was also told that I have at least another 2500 FUE in the bank. Will likely burn those grafts on my back third crown area, if at all.

  6. Big improvement!


    What is the gap here in the photo behind your temple point work? I don't see it in the new photos so is this gap being covered by brushing it back?




    It may be due to the color difference which is seen in this photo so it could be contrast issue. Is this an issue for you in your daily life or has anyone noticed it?




    You have a sharp eye! There is a very small area behind the temple work that developed post-op shock loss. My doctor has confirmed that I would only need around 30 to 40 grafts to correct this.


    Although I have considered correcting this little imperfection, I decided to instead grow my sides long and brush my hair backwards. I would not advise anyone to get temple work done. It is EXTREMELY difficult to get right. The difference in hair coarseness, texture, and colour is very noticeable if the hair is kept short. I am not going to keep my temple hair at a 1 or 2 length any longer since it is still quite noticeable. I was informed that this will change over time after a few hair cycles have completed.


    I hope this helps.

  7. Very good question- I have tried sending direct messages to Bill but no answer.

    It is healing slowly - picture at 2 months attached. Now that infection has been treated it is just the waiting game to see how this turns out.


    I feel for you. I truly do. You may have done irreparable harm to your scalp. I think, based on the pre-op photo you posted, you may have aged yourself by around 20 years overnight. This is extremely disappointing and you should seek out a hair transplant surgeon immediately. I think that you will require at least US $18,000 remedial work.

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