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Everything posted by DeusExMachination

  1. Hello, I'm a 22 year old guy, I've been losing hair since I was 19. It began very fast, my hairline suffered an enormous damage in the time of one year. 3 years have passed since then, now I'm approaching a NW4 area, I tried Minoxidil 2% which did absolutely nothing, then switched on finasteride which hit me hard with sides so I had to quit, afterwards I started Rogaine 5% which I quit after using it for 1 year, my hair was getting worse and I finally restarted Rogaine 5% and observed some improvement on my crown area (It actually works).My dermatologist 1 year ago told that I was NW3, but I may be NW4 right now, at least I think that, however it seems that my loss is slowing down. My father is not totally bald, nor both of my grandfathers, they are all NW4, yet all of them had full heads of hair in their youth. Now I'm considering hair transplant to fix the damage that my hair suffered for these 3 years. Yes, I know I'm a bit too young for it, however scars don't scare me and I think about using a concealer to cover up if the operation fails or I will loose more hair after it (Wayne Rooney style). What I'm seeking is not my teenage hairline, but a hairline that looks straight and natural, I cannot stand that M shaped hairline which looks retarded and note that my hair looking weird since I was a child, some hair on the back of my vertex are always standing up, no matter how much I comb them. I'm looking for an affordable price and good quality in Eastern Europe (excluding Russia). I'm a student, so I have a very tight budget. I found Dr. Mawan Saifi and I calculated that I would be able to afford 2500 grafts FUT right now with no accomodation issues, however this doctor seems a little suspicious (I checked some of the threads about him here and on other HL forums and there were possibly fake users with only 1 post who seemed to be registered only to promote his clinic or post exclusively on threads about him. On top of that he has a lot of dislikes in youtube and some commentators call him a fraud who messed up their hair) So is this doctor a good surgeon or can you recommend me someone better and safer?
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