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Posts posted by UKLad81

  1. Hi Friends, yes I’m now just a few days shy of 5 months. I’m starting to see growth in the crown area which is good. I haven’t really taken any decent photos of late but happy to take some more on request. I did take these ones which made me a little happy to see the direction in which things are going. These were a couple of weeks back and under harsh bathroom light. Defo growth happening i would say.

    I know it’s still relatively early days and still hoping for a lot of growth / maturity to come. These were with dry hair and no toppik. With wet hair, it still looks thin and has scalp showing but i guess this is expected. Compared to wear i started back in 2017 im happy.

    Interested to hear your thoughts. 



  2. 9 hours ago, rsb said:

    Hey man, may I know cost per graft? And number of months waiting period?

    Hi mate, you can find the prices on the Hattingen website - they are very transparent but to give you an idea it’s about 3-4 euros. I was extremely lucky to get the spot i did (possibly a cancellation happened) but when I initially consulted with him in Jul/Aug it was about 3-4 months wait time. Drop him an email and get further information from him, hes a top guy.

    • Like 1
  3. I second / third Konior as well. If you can afford his fees he would definitely be the one - hands down and i mean no disrespect to the other surgeon, his work is very good also. If its hairline work you are doing Konior is probably the best - very natural hairlines and dense and he can do wonders with less grafts.

    Dr Cooley is another one you could consider also in the USA over in Charlotte - very ethical doctor and does some really decent hairline work.

    If you would consider Europe i personally really like some of the work from Pinto and Ferreria and there is another i just cant remember the name right now. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 12/15/2023 at 5:33 PM, xabi86 said:

    What did you do instead then buddy?

    Farmacia Parati are proving very difficult to get hold of. I want to try a lower dose

    I’m back on oral fin 0.5mg daily. I do have some sides but not as drastic  weighing up my options on trialing dutasteride as despite being on this dosage since Sept I’m not seeing any real benefit just yet. Quite liking Melvins posts about Xyon however, it’s not available in UK otherwise I would’ve jumped on that. 

    That said, the good thing and i guess i got lucky with HIMS was that they offer a 90 day money back guarantee so i told them about my sides a month in and asked them to cancel my subscription. After the 90 days i put in a claim for the money to be refunded and was actually surprised that it was refunded with no questions asked. /


    57 minutes ago, 12345 said:

    are you referring to HIMS fin or Parati brand fin? thanks for the clarification

    I do the HIMS topical fin and Minox solution matey. 

    • Like 1
  5. 18 hours ago, xabi86 said:

    Hi all,

    I wanted to know if any of you have used Hims topical spray and experienced any sides like loss of libido, insomnia?

    i am using it in the UK and I am told the dosage is high as it’s 0.3% of fin. If any Uk members, let me know if you know of a lesser dose spray that is on the market.

    It’s been 3 months of use for me and I notice hair is thinner as opposed to when I started out.

    I was on fin oral form before and using 0.5mg twice a week. Moved to topical so to avoid sides.

    Please let me know on any sides whilst using Hims and hair thinner than when I started out. Use 3-4 sprays daily. 4 are recommended. 


    I’ve trialed it for about a month or so and noticed sides within a week of usage. Tried to give it some time but decided not to continue. Besides, i found that it made my hair feel like crap after applying. 

  6. 8 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    This is gonna be EPIC! Can’t wait to see your progress 🙏

    Cheers Buddy I’ve got everything crossed for this one. Don’t think i can handle another one! Haha


    32 minutes ago, baddecisions said:

    All the best! You have made the best decision having the surgery with Muresanu.

    Did you post your previous surgeries on the forum?

    Thank you matey. I did do a thread but just for context I’ve added a picture of how things looked after the first HT. The first picture was before any HT, 2nd one was around the 3rd / 4th month after HT 1 and the last one was at just after 12 months of HT 1. Also attached how things looked after HT 2 with dry hair. 




  7. 3 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Is Loniten 10mg available in the UK? It's produced by Pfizer. Here in Australia it's $30 a bottle for one hundred tablets. I just break the tablet in half and it lasts me two hundred days.

    Haven’t seen anywhere doing this in the UK. Will do another search and see what i find. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, aKaWonderKid said:

    Hi mate I currently get it from them but it's so expensive isn't it

    Yep it’s super expensive. I’ve just gone back to 2.5mg and now buying from OxfordOnline. Far cheaper. I didn’t see much benefit from the 5mg hence just dropping it down to 2.5mg. If i wanted to i could just take two of these but I’m okay for now. 

  9. So I’ve just completed day 7 after my FUT with Dr Sever and his wonderful team. I’m not going to go in too much detail as many of the other posters have described it very well and it’s almost exact like for like. Dr Sever, Laura and his team are extremely professional. I do love Dr Sever’s personality hes just got this cool and calm personality and very much made me feel at ease. I was a little nervous with this one even though it was my 3rd FUT - not sure why i was so nervous but as i said once i was with Dr Sever he calmed everything down and i knew i was in good hands. Anyway, we were shooting for 2500 grafts but only managed to get just over 2000 (I’m still awaiting the final numbers). The plan was to address the crown and some of the midscalp. 

    So the first part was obviously the incision - which started off okay the anaesthetic shots were a little discomforting but once everything is numbed out and the Valium kicks in, it’s a little easier. I do recall hearing the incision being taken out. This was a bizarre sound. I also recall just having a causal conversation with both Muresanu’s during this - not sure what about but i know i was chatty! The staples in certain places hurt, i was topped up with a little more anaesthetic and the pain subsided. The rest of the day was like a well oil machine, Laura Sever did all the holes for the grafts and then shortly after lunch the technicians under the extremely careful eye of Laura did the implants. The day started at 745 and finished around 1600. Was bandaged up and given all the meds together with saline solution  and marched off to the hotel. The first night wasn’t too bad but i guess this was bcoz of the anaesthetic and the pain killers kicking in. Didn’t get much sleep as was up every hour or so spraying. The next morning went to get the first of 3 washes. All went okay and everything looked pretty good after the wash. I had a further 2 hair washes with the clinic before departing Zurich. All in all, i found Hattingen very professional, they knew exactly what they were doing and actually i enjoyed being in their company. To summarise i got just over 1400 grafts in the crown and 600 odd in the midscalp and some in the hair line. 

    Since then the incision has given me some grief mainly at night and i think i have had to take pain killers pretty regularly. The staples are a little discomforting but not as bad as those anaesthetic shots in the forehead (jeez those killed!). I did swell quite heavily on day 3 started off lightly whilst at Zurich airport and thankfully was back at home before it swept its way across my forehead and down to the eyes. Now on day 7 i have no swelling the odd pain around the incision and lots of scabs which i hope with a little more pressure over the coming days i can remove. Pictures are as below - these are all my own and have not received any from the clinic just yet).

    @Melvin- Admin, i did pass on your message and did say Hi to both on your behalf ! 🙂

    First is prior to the surgery. Couple whilst still in the seat and the final two over the weekend! Hopefully they render in the correct order. 

    Any questions, feel free to ask! 







    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:


    @Melvin- Admin how many days post op were you at this stage? I’ve just completed day 7 since my FUT procedure and scabs in parts of the incision and in the crown where the majority of the work was done. These are proving to be a bit difficult to remove,  I’ve not been given any conditioner as such by my doc - just a bottle of shampoo. Today i soaked the head under a light pressured shower head with some shampoo and did rub - probably not hard enough as only a few scabs came off. I’ll try your method tomorrow (with advice from the Doc of course and see how this goes). Thanks for your video mate. 

  11. This looks like a Pitella, H&W or Hattingen type surgery. I’ve just had a HT a couple of days back and cannot speak more highly of them. They are notorious for doing people with high NWs. I actually met a patient yesterday who was probably a NW6 and seeing his pictures after his first surgery i was super impressed that i made a great choice with them. Reach out to them and some of the others mentioned and see what they have to say. But you definitely look like at least 2 surgeries unless you go with Pitella who seems to get some crazy graft numbers. 

  12. On 11/23/2023 at 4:33 PM, HappyMan2021 said:

    why on earth was the recipient area not fully shaven?!?!? This is really strange to me. I definitely understand there are situations partial shave is appropriate, but in this specific circumstance I honestly don't understand why (at least for the recipient area) that it was not fully shaven. 

    Dr. Cooley is a fantastic doctor and for all I know it will have 0% affect that it was not fully shaven, but I honestly am confused into the decision here. 

    Can you clarify this? thanks. 

    Dr Cooley very often does most of his HTs without shaving the patients recipient, i think you’ll see on this forum that most of his patients have a non-shave approach. 

  13. It varies on individual to individual. I tried it many years back and noticed a change in libido, semen quality within in a couple of days. I reduced the dosage to MWF and it was still the same. I even did Mon and Fri but no change. I did 1.5 years start to get depressive thoughts. Now I’m not sure if this was related to Finasteride or just personal cicumstances but it’s something that I’ve never experienced before. But the game changer for me as experiencing ball ache. It was a dull ache and made it difficult to sit down and it was there for at least a week. I gave up finasteride and things returned back to normal. I have however, jumped back on it and am doing 0.5mg (Mon-Friday) as opposed to 1mg and again i noted the same loss in libido (eg: doesn’t feel as hard as normally) i will just run through the rest of the course and make a call on whether i want to continue or not. But dont let this put you off in anyway, every individual is different and you might be one of the good responders. If taking it do it with consultation with your GP. The biggest thing is to not to go out looking for sides. Try and pop the pill if you do decide to take it and forget about it. Good luck! 

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