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Everything posted by Anonym123

  1. Hello there, I am a male and I'm concerned about my beard 3 weeks ago I came up with an idea that I want to dye my beard to a lighter color. I went to my barber (same one for 3 years already), and he started to bleach my beard. The pain was horrible but he said it's fine. The chemical left on my face for about an hour and afterwards I washed it and the beard was blonde-grey colored(as I wanted). The next day I had chemical burns all over my cheeks and chin even though I didn't feel any pain. After a week and a half the burns were gone and now I have only few places with red areas but I believe it will recover(feels itching a bit sometimes). The thing is, a week ago I shaved my bread almost completely and it grew up and parts of my beard are still blonde(the beard is mixed of black and blonde)! A part of the beard is back to normal(black color) but there are a lot of completely blonde hairs (the roots are blonde)! It looks like the black ones are much longer and grew much faster and the blonde ones are shorter and hardly grew(if it grew at all, I don't know). Will it all go back to it's normal state? There is any possibility that the chemical burns damaged the hair growth? I'm really worried about it since I had a very full and nice beard and now it looks like there are missing parts in it, I feel like the blonde hair won't go back to my fast growth black bread
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