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Everything posted by Con718

  1. Hi, Does anyone have feedback about Seneca Medical in Athens, Greece? Thank you
  2. Does the head/scalp look "normal" in the 2-3 month post op time period? I have 4 weddings to attend during that time and am concerned. Or maybe Im just trying to think myself out of a HT lol. Thanks for the help.
  3. Thank you for the info. Hopefully that is the case.
  4. Hi, After years of consultations and internet searches I'm finally going through with a HT. I'm scheduled with Dr Rahal in 2 weeks for a 2500 graft fue procedure. My question is regarding swelling. I have a 2 day business trip planned 10 days after my surgery. I was wondering how much of the swelling is still present that long after surgery. Thanks for your help and I'll be sure to post pre and post op pictures after the procedure.
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