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  • Country
    United Kingdom
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Thinning on Top only (Genetic Baldness)
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain and Regrow Hair

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?

Hair Loss Story

  • Url of your Patient Hair Loss Website

Tech123's Achievements

New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hi, I've had 2 FUE procedures with mixed reviews so here are my thoughts. First one I took the cheap route to Turkey via Longvita. Reading through the website they had doctors who'd done thousands of procedures so all looked good, all for the third of the price you'd pay in the UK - 2000 pounds inclusive for 3000 grafts. I had my consultation via phone and photos sent, paid my money and went for my procedure. When I landed there as expected had people pick me up and take me to my hotel first, then onto the clinic. At this point my first concerns started to appear. I saw the Doctor for all of a couple of minutes and then went down to the surgery area, where a outline was drawn for where I'd like my hairline. The interpreter who was supposed to be there was ill, so language was an issue. The procedure itself was carried out by assistants and the Doctor who was advertised as the one who done the surgery was no where to be seen. In the end I had 2000 grafts done because 3000 was not required. My head was shaved and the downtime was about 6 months to get back to normal with a full head of hair. The results, well they were mixed where in one particular area I did not get the density I had specifically asked for. The moral, you only get what you pay for; my suspicion with these places is they pay Doctors to advertise themselves but are not even involved in the surgery of your hair, hence the reason they are so cheap. It's not worth the risks and if you cannot afford it, wait until you can. I had my second procedure in the UK via Rejuvenate clinic in Harley street, wow what a totally different experience. The surgeon who was well know in the industry with his assistant who been working with him for 20 years did the procedure. This was done using UFUE (where they do not need to shave the hair) because the surgeon is skilled enough to do it without the hair shaved. I was awake all of the time and they talked to me through the entire procedure. I am confident the results will be good and expect them to become visible in the next couple of months. The downtime was 1 week apposed to 6 months before, what a difference a good surgeon makes. I also have the phone number available for aftercare if required, not that I have needed it yet. One final point, if you are doing a procedure expect to do more then one to get the desired results. It will probably take 2-3 procedures to get the desired results, anyone telling you otherwise is not being truthful. This is because whilst the implanted hair will not fall out, your existing hair will do with male pattern hair loss, so further surgery will be required. I hope the above help.
  2. Welcome to our Hair Restoration Social Community and enhanced discussion forum. Feel free to customize your profile by sharing your story, creating blogs, sharing your treatment regimen, presenting your hair restoration photos, and uploading videos. You can also join groups and interact with other members via public chat and instant message those you add to your friends.

    Feel free to ask questions and interact with our members on our new and improved hair loss discussion forum.

    If there's anything I can do to help or make things easier for you, don't hesitate to send me a private message or post on my wall.

    All the Best,

    David (TakingThePlunge) – Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the new Hair Restoration Social Network and Discussion Forum

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