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Posts posted by savemylife1

  1. I dont understand, I know BHT is used as a last resort. However, I have read that Propecia can STOP BHT's from being effective. So the questions is simple:


    POST - BHT, continue Propecia/Rogaine or discontinue?


    Please let us focus on this specific topic, rather than delve into the effectiveness of BHTs in general. Thanks gentlemen.

  2. I dont understand, I know BHT is used as a last resort. However, I have read that Propecia can STOP BHT's from being effective. So the questions is simple:


    POST - BHT, continue Propecia/Rogaine or discontinue?


    Please let us focus on this specific topic, rather than delve into the effectiveness of BHTs in general. Thanks gentlemen.

  3. I see what you are saying. But I dont think that much hair is needed to achieve the actual shadow. I have parts of my head, ie. a patch in the front, and still has a shadow even though it is going to be gone soon.


    I am wondering if the early sprouting in months 2/3 will achieve the shadow. Even though the hair would be thin.

  4. Thank you guys for the response, but I think I did not make it clear enough. First, I would be getting a FUE procedure, so the strip scar is not a concern.




    Here is Bruce Willis, assuming he shaves his head bald with a razor. The top of his head looks like he doesn't ever grow hair, the sides look a different shade because he still grows hair.


    I am curious, at what point will it look on top, as it does on the sides. Or atleast, when will the contrast decrease.


    So, when where there be evidence that hair DOES grow on the top part of the head, even if it is not thick or full.

  5. Those of you who completely shave their heads BEFORE HT, with a razor, any advice for me?


    When do you start shaving again AFTER HT?


    When does the contrast between your "bald" area and your hair area disappear or lessen? This is what I am most interested in. I hope you understand my question. When we shave our heads, it is clear (to us) where are hair starts and stops, because of the contrast with the bald-bald area (the top) and the hair-shaved bald area (the sides)



  6. Hi Guys


    I am thinking about going in for a FUE HT. Although I have many concerns, my current one is this.




    I am middle eastern, so i have a fairly light complexion. However, I shave my head completely, with a razor. I plan to take a month off from work. I wonder if I can tan my head, to reduce the appearance of redness.


    ANY SOLUTIONS WILL HELP! Any guidance at all please. I have considered the following:


    1. Tanning

    2. Neosporin on recipient after the HT

    3. Tea-tree oil???

    4. Lotion


    What do you guys think!!!

  7. Hi Guys


    I am thinking about going in for a FUE HT. Although I have many concerns, my current one is this.




    I am middle eastern, so i have a fairly light complexion. However, I shave my head completely, with a razor. I plan to take a month off from work. I wonder if I can tan my head, to reduce the appearance of redness.


    ANY SOLUTIONS WILL HELP! Any guidance at all please. I have considered the following:


    1. Tanning

    2. Neosporin on recipient after the HT

    3. Tea-tree oil???

    4. Lotion


    What do you guys think!!!

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