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Posts posted by Haikaldingle

  1. No offense but I disagree with all of this. MPB is not impacted in any way by how we live our lives


    Nope. DHT is a major factor of MPB as well. Go look it up. Yes, genetics definitely has got to do with MPB. But upon further research, the causes of hair loss and the topic of alopecia is a broad one. We're seeing more and more people losing hair even when it's not genetically related on their side. I believe, with research, that you can't simply say that the way you live won't affect your health in any way, let alone hair loss. Anyways, peace buddy, I'm always open for a constructive discussion. I've been a minor hair loss sufferer as well so i'm really into this topic :)


  2. Hi guys my hair loss journey started with a PRP treatment(may2015) till then i was a norwood II immediately after the treatment i lost some native hair. So i asked the doctor he said it is common to loose the weak follicles and u'll see the regrowth in around 6 months.

    From then i was drinking hairloss protein shakes and using minoxidil once a day fin 0.5mg(M/W/F) and good caffeine shampoo. It's been over an year but still no luck with my receding hairline.


    Try including Vitamin Bs and E. Always make sure that your lifestyle is in check and your diet too. This kind of natural regrowth usually takes 6 mths - 2 yrs.

  3. Yo dude, I was in the exact situation as you! Noticed balding on the frontal when I was 20/21. I was a weightlifter, diets were crappy and wasn't getting enough rest. I suspected that my body was producing more DHT than ever. I've used DHT blockers and keratin shampoo. I've also adjusted my lifestyle and made sure I had sufficient protein everyday. I saw that you have grey hair problems and my best observation on myself is that my grey hair tends to fall off by itself when I managed to reduce my stress levels. I also heard that plucking them makes it worse...so yeap! :D

  4. I can relate to IAMSPARTICUS, 23 years ago today I had the same experience, paid $2000+ for what also ended up being a "crappy wig" glued on my head.


    I felt terrible and after some debate I actually got a refund, well most of it if I recall.


    I don't know how they are even still in business, they are deceptive and misleading in their advertising, absolute rogues!




    Very sorry and frustrated for people who got scammed for exorbitant prices :mad: Always look out for something that sounds too good to be true and promise you instant results....especially if they're charging so much! Go through enough good honest reviews on the product first before going for it. Stay well and alert everyone




  5. Hey, I notice M pattern balding when I was 21. I've used a more natural approach on myself and have ever since gotten rid of the problem. Basically, I realized that for me, it was a lifestyle problem. I was a weightlifter, sleeping very late at night and had crappy diets so my hormones was imbalanced and I learned that I was producing high DHT levels. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a number 1 hair-killing hormone. Thus, I actually changed up my lifestyle and made sure that I included sufficient protein into my diet. It will take more than 6 months to do it naturally but is is scientifically possible. You need to treat your scalp well and ALSO treat what's inside your body well. Hope I gave you useful insights buddy :)

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