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  1. First, I have to say that your reply is VERY reassuring. However, I have to ask, if you were to try to have another child, would you go off of finasteride again? Or, with this new evidence, would you just keep taking it?
  2. I've been thinking about taking propecia for a month now...and I've been doing a lot of reading. The only thing that has me irked, is the possibility of defects in a child that I have in the future. Now, I'm only 21, and I'm not planning on having kids anytime soon...but you know, it 10-15 years, I might consider it, and I'd like to NOT have to worry about birth defects in a child because I'm being vain about my hairloss. Does anyone know if propecia can be passed into a male's sperm, and therefore cause birth defects in male children? Does anyone know of any good resources to read up on this? Thanks,
  3. Hey guys, I'm a 21 year old guy with hair loss...and I believe it started a year or two ago (possibely before then), but it's really hard to tell since I was in denial. I've always had a high hairline and fine hair...but not THAT noticabley thin. I've always parted my hair, so this probably aided in hiding the hair loss too. A year ago or so I noticed the fact that it was thin...but thought nothing of it...until it got to the point where I could no longer comb my hair forward because the look was just too thin (I sometimes combed my hair forward, too). I went to my doctor, finally, after months of procrastinating. He's doing some blood work for me just to *make sure* it's not anything else other than male pattern baldness. He's mentioned Propecia and Rogaine as potential treatments, assuming it is in fact male pattern baldness. My doctor sounds skeptical...and makes it sound like it's not really worth the money, as as soon as you go off of it you lose the hair you saved/gained. I think it is worth it, though...if I can just stop the hair loss for a while, I'd be happy. I'd like to stay looking my age as long as possible. I'm just slightly worried about some of the Propecia side effects... I've read that people this young aren't really good candidates for hair transplants...I'm a student and couldn't afford it at this moment anyways...is it worth taking Propecia and Rogaine for the next few years to perserve my hair until it's (possibely) time for transplant time? I have hair thinning on the crown...and will soon have a bald spot...and my hair line could be going backwards. Part of me is so frustrated that I'm tempted to just shave off all my hair to avoid dealing with it. I guess what I want to know is: is it worth starting Propecia and Rogaine at such a young age, when due to my young age and hair loss...it's likely I'll end up losing more hair anyways? Are there any other steps I can take to keep the hair I have for as long as possible? P.S. Sorry for the length...part of this post seemed to turn into a rant...*shrug*
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