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  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Thinning on Top only (Genetic Baldness)
    Thinning or Bald Spot in the Crown/Vertex
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • Norwood Level if Known
    Norwood IV A
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain Existing Hair
    Maintain and Regrow Hair
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Other hair restoration physicians
    Dr. Ekrem Civas
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime
    Generic Minoxidil 5% for Men

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  1. Thank you pkipling! I think indeed the stress and worrying about the hair on top of everything, made it even worse. A bit relieved now I am going to see my GP (again) this afternoon, and tomorrow I have a physioterapist booked, as my GP claims its stress and anxiety (as I have finished my antibiotics for the sinusitis). Best, snooze
  2. Thanks for the fast reply Not really, my doctor prescribed a pack of 15 pills as I was travelling for a while and sometimes have problems sleeping, out of these 15 I think I have taken 4 in the last 5 months, last time being the night before my weird headaches would start. Do you think Zolpidem could´ve caused them, and that they last for 13 days now? Either way, I am worried it might impact my hair transplant?
  3. Dear All, Here I am again with my weird question on FUE post-op traumas (but I wouldnt be me if these things wouldnt happen to me). ? I am 4 months post op fUE, and I went to a steambath (I did go few times before that as well in 3-4 months postop) after the gym. I might have stayed too long, I am not sure, but when I left I felt a bit of a pulsing sensation in my head. I went home and I couldnt sleep until 4 a.m when I took Zolpidem and fell asleep. The morning after when I woke up, I started developing this weird and very strong headache that I never had before, it is mainly in my forehead area above my eyes and spreading all around my head, and in the back of my neck., and pressure behind my eyes. It has been 2 weeks now and I still have the headache on an off, with a strong pressure-sensation and the pressure behind the eyes. I went to my doctor and he said I had sinusitis, he gave me antibiotics, I finished them but the headache still persists. Sometimes I even think that due to the headaches my recipient area is SLIGHTLY swollen, although I am not sure as it feels pretty numb still, but there is no redness on the scalp or anything unusual. I am attaching the pictures as well. So my question would be twofold: 1. Could the prolonged stay in the steambath have hurt my transplant in any way 4 months post-op? 2. Could the headaches that I have developed the day after and that are still going on, hurt my transplant 4 months post op? Regardless whether the headaches are, due to sinusitis, high blood pressure (I am 29, so not sure if this could be it), or something else? I have no fever or any other symptoms but the bad headache. I am going again tomorrow to my GP for the headaches, but I am freaked out that it in one way or another might damage my hair transplant? Many many thanks in advance!
  4. Thank you pkipling! Ive got few similar statements from few doctors as well, so I hope it should be fine. Thanks again, its great what you guys are doing here!
  5. I was actually sitting 50-60mins under the heater, its just that I took my cap off for 15 min while I was sitting there, but I hope its fine. I read also on other forums DRs responses that X-Ray radiation even after a CT cant hurt the grafts, so I hope the same would be with this bloody heater, if there was any radiation from it whatsoever. Thanks so much again, you saved my weekend ahead!
  6. Thank you so much for the reply HTsoon, I really appreciate it. I couldnt sleep since last night I was more worried because it wasnt "traditional" heat, but rather heat from the infrared heater, involving infrared radiation. Again, I have no idea about this subject whatsoever, so I "constructed" the story in my head that the radiation from the heater couldve damaged my recipient area and caused the bleeding, because Ive read online that the infrared radiation can go few inches in the tissue and through materials (unlike UV radiation, that usually wouldnt go through a cap). So you as well think that the infrared heater couldnt do any damage? And I am talking about something like this: Nope, no sun burn, or any kind of redness or irritation. Thank you again so much for your response, feeling a bit better now!
  7. Dear All, I had a 3650 FUE transplant 26 days ago, and last night while washing my hair, I leaned my head forward, poured water over it, and gently went with my hand over the recipient area. When I lifted my head up towards the mirror, I saw a thin stream of blood came out down my scalp from a graft?! It stopped bleeding by itself after that stream came out, some 5 seconds later, and didnt bleed ever since. Now I just have a small red pimple on that spot. What I am worried about is that earlier that day (some 4 hours before that), I was sitting in a caffe terrace, 2-3 meters under a supposedly infrared light heater for an hour maximum, and out of that one hour I was wearing a cap for 45 mins. I noticed just slight, weak, heat coming out of the heater on my arms and nothing else. I know that the doctors say to stay out of UV lights and sun, but what about IR lights from the heater for example?! I need to add that I dont see any unusual redness on my recipient, or any inflammation or pain after that. I know that laser caps have as well the infrared lights, and that they enhance circulation, so not sure if it could damage my transplant? Or the increase in blood circulation from the IR could cause my graft to pop out and bleed?! I wouldnt worry about it if the graft didnt start to bleed all of a sudden the same night, and especially this late, 25 days post op?! And I healed quite well, and most of my scabs are gone, I might have 2-3 small ones left. Could it be that the infrared radiation from the heater could impact my grafts, or did I perhaps just by accident pull out an old scab while washing and it started bleeding?! Because I see that I have few of these tiny scabs left here and there, that are quite attached to the scalp. Is the graft lost, or even worse, could I mess up my hair transplant with this IR exposure?! Pictures of the recipient area attached and the pimple that was created after the bleeding. I contacted my doctor immediately, and he just sent a general reply stating that everything looks ok in the pics and that I shouldnt worry, he didnt mention specifically anything about the bleeding nor the IR exposure. I also couldnt find a similar issue anywhere else online on forums, so I wanted to address it here. Thank you very much for your help in advance everyone!
  8. Thank you so much doctor, thats a relief! No bleeding whatsoever, the scalp was moist as it was after the shower immediately, I just did have some scalp tissue under my fingernail as it was peeling off and flaking anyway. Here are few more pictures, the first one is from yesterday where you could really see the "thinner circle" in the area that I scratched (but what is confusing is that the circle goes also into the area where my old hair was under the scar and where it was quite dense, how is it that even possible? And the last three pics are from few minutes ago where the "circle" is not so visible. Edit: actually its only not visible on picture two, but its quite noticable on the last two pictures that are zoomed-in.
  9. Thank you voxman! I was super happy with how my hairline looked after the transplant with the temporary hairs, and when i figured out I mightve scratched few hairs off (I kinda can see a "thin circle" around my scar, whereas it looked fuller before scratching), I really felt down... But you made my day definitely, I really hope I just took off the hairs that would shed anyways
  10. Hi All! I am new to this forum, and initially I wanted to start a thread with a chronological overview of my HT, but I had a slight problem yesterday while (stupidly enough) scratching a part of my recipient area, so I first wanted to ask a question here and hopefully get some answers as I am worried sick, and I will make later on a new thread in the other section on the process of my hair transplant. I am on my 17th day post-op now, and everything is going fine, and Im very happy with how is everything going so far. However, few days ago I started developing very dry flaky skin, not only on my scalp, but also on my face (under my eyebrows, around my nose, on my chin), I dont know whether this is due to cold weather or could it be from the transplant? Can I perhaps use something for the flaky scalp? However, last night, on the 16th day post-op after I washed my hair, I saw that my scalp was very flaky, so I was scratching a bit the area on the edges of my recipient area (not the recipient area itself), on the sides and on the front. And I got a lot of moist scalp tissue under my finger nails. I also have some of my own old hair on my hairline, and the hairtransplant was made few centimeters behind my hairline. So I also scratched a bit of the old hair in the front, but later realised that I might have scratched a bit behind, in the recipient area. I could again see some scalp tissue under my finger nails and just a few hairs. Now I am worried sick that I might have pulled out a few grafts, as the area in the front now looks a bit thinner than it looked before. I have a small scar there from before, but now I can see some thinning balding spot around the scar itself (I think at least) If you look at picture 1, you can see the area in the front on the hairline how it looked before the transplant, and it looked quite dense. Picture 2 is the day after the surgery, and you can see that the grafts are placed very close to the scar. Picture 3 is also two or three days before I scratched the front and it still seems quite nice and dense around the scar. Pictures 4,5,6, and 7 show the area in the front after I scratched it last night, and I know the picture quality is not the best but if you look close it looks like its somewhat thinner before, the area around the scar where I scratched. I dont know if its only me imagining things, or did I really manage to pull out few transplanted hairs in the front? And if I did, how much damage could I have done to the grafts by scratching if it was 16th day post-op and there was no blood, just slight redness. I know that a lot of doctors say that the grafts are secure by day 10. Or did I just maybe scratch the hairs that were supposed to shed anyway as I should be in my shedding phase now? If anyone could have any comments on this I?d be really thankful, as my doctor is closed for winter holidays at the moment and cant reach them. Thanks a million!
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