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Everything posted by AncientStormyX

  1. Thanks guys for the input, yes sadly our whole family has some king of receding hair, my father had it and my older brother followed suite my other brother is 1 year older than me he used finasteride for couple of years and looking at him now his hair is in a better shape than before. I've tried the buzz haircut couple of times but because of my thin hair it made even worse under the sun. I dont really care about having most of my hair back but rather at-least have a little fullier hair to help when the sun shines on my head. I guess I keep on the meds and sprays and hope for the best! Thanks again for your sincere help and advice.
  2. Hello everyone, I have started losing hair back when I was 18 years old and now I am 23 I have been on and off the pill for 3 years now and I am afraid it is not making the results I was hoping, I keep noticing hair falled of my hair I plan on keep using it for the years to come but I feel that surgery is the old solution to restore some of my lost hair. Here are some pictures of my situation What do you think? How many grafts or I need to have a decent hair or am I a lost cause? Thanl you!
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