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Everything posted by HTX832

  1. Thank you everyone for all the replies. I did speak with Dr. Arocha and he reiterated what was stated above. I admit, I panicked when the number of grafts weren't matching what I was seeing on my head. My apologies to Dr. Arocha for second guessing him! My doubts and fears were definitely misplaced.
  2. I also want to make it clear that I'm not trying to get an accurate count. If it was close, like I counted 1200 and I paid for 1500 that would be one thing. But I'm counting roughly half of what I paid for and it seems quite obvious that there aren't anywhere close to 1500 units. That's why I was wondering if the number is based on units or the actual number of hairs.
  3. Thanks for the reply Spex. I have since re-counted several times and I feel like it is quite clear where each unit was placed because there is a dark, red scab. My hair is also very coarse and black so each unit stands out quite well. I am waiting on a call back from my Dr but I wanted to see what other people's experiences were.
  4. I had a consultation with Dr Arocha for a hairline repair in the temporal region where he recommended 2000 grafts. I decided to have the procedure. Following the harvesting process he explained he only extracted 1500 grafts. When I got home and looked more closely (and counted) there was only about 700 actual grafts. I was under the impression that a graft was counted as a single unit of 1, 2, 3, or 4 hairs. So if I paid for 1500 grafts there should be approximately 1500 units transplanted into my hairline, right? Or do I have this wrong? Is it counted by the number of hairs? So 1500 hairs in groupings of 1, 2, 3, or 4 hairs would equate to roughly 700 units transplanted? I'm confused. Please help.
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