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Everything posted by catchingitearly

  1. Hi everyone, I'm a 21 year old male who in the past year has noticed a receding hair line and thinning hair. Maybe Norwood I and Norwood II (hence my name "catchingitearly"). Hair loss is in my family only on my mom sides, I also have very similar hair to my male cousins who have very thinned out hair and bad receding hairlines. My dad has very thick hair, although he is quite old, and has much better hair than I do at age 21. My hairless isn't up for debate, I am confident I will lose hair. My thought is that hair is much easier to maintain than completely regrow so I might as well start as soon as possible. I'm planning to go on a combo of 5% minoxidil foam and hair loss shampoo that contains ketoconazole, saw palmetto etc. The minoxidil is currently being delivered and I just got my shampoo the other day. I just have some questions mainly about the minoxidil. 1) Do you really have to wash your hair with shampoo for every application? That means you have to wash it twice a day? I currently only shampoo and condition my hair every few days to not dry my scalp out. I'm hoping I can shampoo with the hair loss shampoo maybe 2 - 3 times a week and wash it with water for the remaining days. Basically what I'm asking...has anyone just applied minoxidil on a scalp that was only washed in water and was it effective? 2) Do you have to apply it twice a day indefinitely? I've read that minoxidil lasts on your head for 22 hours and people get away with applying it only once a day. 3) Does minoxidil only last 5 - 10 years? I've read that before and I'm not sure what that really means. Does that mean within 5 - 10 years, your hair loss will continue at the same rate at which you started? If thats the case, then I'd be happy with long term continued use since I kind of just picked up where I started but then I'll be 31 (10 years older). That seems like amazing gains to me. 4) Any recommendations for someone starting their hair loss journey? Feel free to add in any tips. I most likely won't any start propecia for the time being anyways. Maybe when I'm older, still on the fence about it. I know a lot of people haven't used minoxidil for 10s of years or haven't applied it without shampooing you hair or only applied it once a day. So if you can't answer with your own experiences, feel free to answer with other testimonials you've read online or heard from friends. Thank you!
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