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Posts posted by azdz

  1. AZ,


    Thank you for the kind words.


    I generally don't focus on grafts per cm^2. It really comes down to where you're working in the scalp, the patient's physiology, and the patient's follicle/hair characteristics. A patient with thick, coarse, wavy hair is going to achieve a density at 45 grafts per cm^2 equivalent -- or better -- to a patient with fine, light, straight hair at a much higher density -- something like 60 grafts/cm^2.


    In general, however, I'd say the hairline gets up into the 60+ category and the areas behind it are a gradient between 40 to 55. All done very strategically to minimize skin damage and avoid issues with blood supply compromise.


    Hope this helps.


    Dr Bloxham


    Thanks for explaining. That does make sense.

  2. Hair looks good! Who was the doctor that did your surgery? My hair used to have that poofy look in the front like yours does after the transplant. I loved it. Never had to do anything to my hair! Now looks thin and greasy after it started falling out.


    I tried the powder treatments (Topik worked best for me) but I think my hair is too thin now. Yours looks great but I have to put too much in mine and it ends up looking fake. I think it being in the front makes it worse. I want to use it as soon as I can after surgery though because I think it will look good with the transplants in and I can go back to work quicker. I have been trying to talk to doctors about when I can use it again after surgery. Did your doctor say when you could use it after the surgery? This is a big deal for me actually getting a transplant!

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