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Posts posted by jackblack71

  1. Why thank you for providing that info. Finally I got the opportunity to see the OP's pics from his first procedure. No offense intended but the procedure could have turned out better. Nonetheless I wish the OP would choose another doctor this time. It would be much worth it to get a second procedure to do repair/ add far more density from a different doctor. One's hair is far more valuable than risking getting a second procedure done from the same doctor that did not do such a good job the first time.


    All in all I want to wish the OP a lot of luck and happy future hair growth.


    Not sure why you dont like Dr. Rahal, but I can tell you this being a high norwood Dr, Rahal was very honest with me and told before I went for the procedure that I wouldn't get a lot of density.

  2. Sorry to hear about your bad first surgery with your doctor Rahal. But if you strongly feel that the first surgery with him did not go so well let me suggest that you seek another doctor. Perhaps a good doctor this time that specializes in repairing bad transplants.


    In my past research I have observed very good results from doctors who repaired bad first transplants. Well at any rate at least you have a reservoir of potent doctors that can help you. Based on your photos I think you will have an excellent result. I have actually seen less favorable transplants than yours and the results after the second procedure were stupendous.


    You will do fine. Keep your head up, be positive and seek a good doctor this time. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. In a years time you will end up with a ton of fur on your head. I want to wish you a lot of luck.


    Did you even read my post? :confused:

  3. Based on the number of grafts he had in a bigger area his result is good. I don't think you could ask for anything more


    Thanks everyone for the info. Yes, I was very happy and still am with the results. I dont know how anyone took my post as I wasnt happy? LOL!


    I was told I dont have the elasticity for another FUT which is why Im heading down the FUE route.


    I trust Dr. Rahal and will being going in a day early to have him evaluate - thank you all.


    Here's my side by side at about 10 months..


  4. Thanks guys. I appreciate the support.


    David, in response to your post, I am an electrical engineer on the West Coast and I have been for some years now. Never been in the medical sector, never will.


    Respectively, thanks again, both of you, and I look forward to continuing with my (positive) posts here.



    Why in god's name anyone would go to Turkey when you live in the US or Canada is beyond me. I know 1600 is great, but I believe you get what you pay for...


    Good luck none the less.

  5. I hope you read this post and take my advice.


    PLEASE relax and wait for the results. I felt the same way at 8 months thinking, "Did they do it correctly?" "Where is the density?!?!?!"


    I had realistic expectations on what to expect and they've been exceeded. I was a Norwood 5 going on 6 and I now have a hairline and it's age appropriate. Is the density great? No, but it's a million times better than what I had. My advice is don't fret and wait for the full year - a lot changed for me from month 8 to 12. Don't get sucked in to snake oil treatments..etc.


    I need to go back and do the crown, just trying to find the time...

  6. Thanks for your replies, guys.


    I decided to try it since I got a good deal for my crown for only $750.

    Lets see what happens, maybe I'll get lucky and grow some hair....LOL.


    It leaves quite a bit of blood afterwards, so you might wanna put a towel over your pillow at night.


    Pics below:






    WTH???? :eek::eek::eek:

  7. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that outcome considering where you started. You must be very happy. Would you benefit from another pass to strengthen your hairline and bulk it up? Sure...hair greed is real - but that's not always an option and may not even be a thought at this point. Enjoy.


    Thanks, yes considering going for another 1000 to do as much as possible in the crown.

    I've come to accept that the density will never be great for me considering where I started.


    Appreciate your feedback - thanks!

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