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Posts posted by menosmolas

  1. thanks for your answer


    I'm also a bit worried about to which extent this will look fine in the near future, since it seems that finasteride is stopping their effect one me (note that I have been taking it during about 12 years) and could head a NW 5 -6 quite soon. And I do not know if I have a good donor area yet, my interviews have been by skype, so I do not know to which extent I am covered for a potential second HT. Maybe I can try Durasteride, that's something that I will indeed need to explore.


    The surgeon sounds a good one, though, so I hope that he will do a good plan for me.

  2. @robc thanks for your answer


    @ko, I would like to 'enjoy' the results as soon as possible, but indeed I think it has been a non ideal approach to let everything go so fast


    In any case, the ball is rolling now, I have the procedure next week (if the donor area is fine enough as checked in the review of the day before, which I hope yes). I will document the process, I'm really thankful to the forum and I owe to share the experience with the community.

  3. Thanks pkipling four your time in answering me.


    I'm indeed very nervous, but I really feel that I want to do something with my hair loss, since it reached a point in which it really affects my image and my self-steem. The hair transplant seems the only option now, since I am already under meds (finasteride) for a long long time. And I do not think that this is going to change in the next 6 months, so that s why to do it now also seems reasonable.


    One risk of doing this in a rush is not to choose a good doctor. That's why I really did a lot (a lot!) of research till I made a short list. Now I think that this short list is likely to be quite universal, it seems to me that they are always the same names (at least in Europe). And one of them happens to have a last minute cancellation so I can undergo the procedure now instead of waiting 5-6 more months in their waiting list. I took it as a good luck event, and actually I've already paid the procedure and booked the flights and hotel, so ball is rolling.


    What I think I need now (and your help will be very much appreciated) is to know better the different outcome scenarios. Besides some severe intervention related complication, I guess that the worse case scenario is not having a 'nice' result, which I hope it's minimized by the selection of a good doctor with good hands and good taste. But of course this is a bit of whishful thinking.


    What is freaking me out lately (last days) is the issue of the diffuse thining. I assume that the bad thing of that is that these hair will never come back after the shock loss. But I do not have that much hair there (first 1/3) and it seems that the transplant is going to be deployed as I actually have nothing there. So how to have a diffused thining hair pattern there can be worse than having nothing, which is the other option?


    I think that I'm missing some point, and that's what is increasing my anxiety. Is because the fact of having some 'natural' hair 'on their legs' it s going to make the deployment of the transplanted hair more difficult or less succesfull somehow? Or it's because there is a risk that the shock loss can affect also outside the grafted area and therefore it can make disappear forever the hair of the rest of my scalp?


    Again, thank you everyone for your answers..

  4. hi Gillenator,


    thank you again for your answer, it means a lot to me. The bad thing of my story is that everything is going quite fast, which I perfectly know is not the best way to proceed and is putting me under a lot of anxiety; I'm pretty sure that the surgeon has good hands and he seems to have a good reputation too; but I have had no time to really understand all the pros and cons of the procedure and discuss them with the doctor. Neither the opportunity of a life assessment of my donor area. The doctor saw a photo and said that it seems in good shape, that's all. Cross fingers!


    I had a skype with the doctor (so he saw my hair there too) few days ago before giving my ok to the procedure, which it is already planned to be done in 10 days (of course, after the life visit, which will be the day before). After reading many more posts during these last days --and actually thanks to your answer (thanks again!)-- I realize that it is highly likely that I will have a hair shock loss. Moreover, I'm freaking out with the fact that it is also possible that it will be permanent. *But** I asked to the doctor whether he is going to do the procedure assuming that my front 1/3 will be gone soon. And he answers that yes. I guess that that's why he estimates 2900-3400 grafts (and note that my hairline is going to be conservative).


    So wrapping up, I try to curb my fears thinking that the hair shock loss, even if it's permanent, will be addressed by the graft. I also guess that is what you're answering me, right?


    On the other hand, and after doing more research I'm realizing that I can be trapped in an unpleasant graft look if it does not look natural, or when I will lose the rest of my hair in my posterior scalp. Hope the later will happen later, although seems that Finasterida lost its efficacy on me.


    Thanks again for the time you invest in answering people like me,


  5. thanks gillenator for your answer, I was looking forward for one!


    I attach some photos, some of the ones I sent to the doctor (I did not have a physical interview with him but email evaluation; tomorrow I will have a skype, since --as I said-- everything is happening quite fast). The quality of the photos is far from good, but I have only an old mobile with me. Note that my goal is a conservative hair restoration plus increase density of the first 1/3.


    To which extent the shock loss is a real possibility if I'm in hands of a good doctor? and if this happen, and crossing fingers is temporal, one year should be not in the safe side for growth of grafts + recovery of 'shocked' hair?


    thanks a bunch for the reply, I'm quite anxious.






  6. Hi there,


    first, thanks to everyone contributing to this forum which is helping so much. I'm 39 years old, I've been progressively losing hair since my early twenties, but at a slow pace thanks to the meds (I guess).


    Now, as the time has passed, I already have a recessed hairline and my first third of the scalp is a 'see through'. In one year or so from now I will marry, so I would like to undergo a surgery to correct it. However, I was not familar with the intervention and I ignored that full results are achieved at 8-12 months. So I'm in a hurry now!


    I have been diving in hundreds of posts to make my doctor short list (Lorenzo, Erdogan, Lupunzula, Ferudini, de Reys & Bisanga), and I start emailing them some days ago. However, the only one that answered me so far is Lupunzula. Moreover, he seems to have a last minute cancellation, so I could use it, but I have to decide (literally) now.


    Again, I checked many posts (both from clinics and patients) and it seems this doc is top in both results and patient's care. I have to skype with him, but I do not think I am going to have more insights about him (everyone says he's a nice guy) or the procedure (about 3400 grafts; note my hair is quite thin, light brown).


    So, I'm feeling terribly anxious about undergoing the decision, since I think the clinic and the doc are good and if I'm not going now, I will not make it for the wedding. However, it sounds a bit rush to me to go there without any consultation with the other surgeons.


    Any recommendation from you guys would be much appreciated!

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