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Posts posted by HairingIsCaring

  1. Yes Permanent is safe on scalp....I am aware of a couple of cases of "reported health issues" that may or may have not been caused by the individual's SMP- you can do the math for yourself on that ;)


    Regarding "safe" in the quality sense of the word, I have only seen a few bad permanent results in person but they were done by unskilled tattoo artists using body tattoo equipment. the bad results are not near as common as some might have you believe


    ......like any other service in the world from restaurants to nail salons, there are good and bad providers so to avoid the bad just use common sense when choosing a place.


    Mostly the negative stories you will hear about the permanent smp industry are from tricopigmentation providers and promoters, but permanent micropigmentation has been around forever and tricopigmentation is the new kid on the block....many more unknowns with the temporary trico smp .


    IMO If you want temporary results you may as well use hair loss concealer instead of shelling out loads of cash every year to have your entire head tattooed over and over again...go through that process once a year?....no thanks

  2. Hi Vinnyvincent, I am sorry that I hurt your feelings bud, that was not my intention. I was just simply pointing out the fact that the photos you were using as your avatar were not the work of Phuket Hair Clinic as you seemed to suggest.


    Since you are promoting Phuket, Maybe instead of using a picture of Homer Simpson as your avatar pic you should use a photo of your own head showing the fantastic results you got from Phuket since you clearly had such a great experience as a client with them. Or, instead of using Good Look Ink before and after results photos you could choose from the vast array of wonderful smp results photos that Phuket has available.....that would make more sense right? to use photos of results of the provider you are promoting rather than another clinic's work?.....


    Anyway, again I apologize for hurting your feelings. Really wasn't trying to call you out or offend you champ.

    Best Regards,



    PS: no I am not Channing Tatum from the movie Coach Carter, I just play him on Hair loss forums;)

  3. Hi Vinnyvincent, I am sorry that I hurt your feelings bud, that was not my intention. I was just simply pointing out the fact that the photos you were using as your avatar were not the work of Phuket Hair Clinic as you seemed to suggest.


    Since you are promoting Phuket, Maybe instead of using a picture of Homer Simpson as your avatar pic you should use a photo of your own head showing the fantastic results you got from Phuket since you clearly had such a great experience as a client with them. Or, instead of using Good Look Ink before and after results photos you could choose from the vast array of wonderful smp results photos that Phuket has available.....that would make more sense right? to use photos of results of the provider you are promoting rather than another clinic's work?.....


    Anyway, again I apologize for hurting your feelings. Really wasn't trying to call you out or offend you champ.

    Best Regards,



    PS: no I am not Channing Tatum from the movie Coach Carter, I just play him on Hair loss forums;)

  4. Thanks for the response. I don't know if the provider offers free touch up. I hope so being it's only been 9 months.

    Yes that is a very short span of time for a permanent result to fade...i know from experience that scar tissue is much less stable making it less predictable but still, there should be a free touch up within first year or discount at least.

    I hope they get it worked out for you and everything resolves well


    As for as dermatch it's worked wonders for me for years. The only problem is i basically have been living a lie for so long now using it. It's hard to use now as I'm a NW 5. So if i decide to shave my head people are going to be like what the hell happened? It's very similar to wearing a hair piece you are just fooling people. You also worry that someone will find out your using it. It's not good for you psychologically.


    This would be my concern using Dermmatch as well...having to keep up the regiment in order to keep up the appearance and the psychological effects it would have on me and paranoia....good advice, thanks

  5. Hi LT, sorry about your disappointing fading of the scar. It looks pretty good from the photo but I understand how photos can often look far different than what it looks like in person, and different lighting certainly changes things as well.


    Hopefully the provider works something out for you. Many providers offer a free touch up within the first year after treatment....probably a silly question but do you know if that is something your provider offers? If not maybe they will extend that to you since it faded so fast.


    Also you mentioned you have been using Dermmatch for a while now. If you don't mind me asking, How has it worked for you? What color do you use? Is it a hassle to deal with or is it relatively easy to maintain the look?


    I know from experience that smp can be a great thing but fading usually does occur...sometimes to a lesser degree and sometimes significant. Just another frustrating part of dealing with hair loss i suppose :(

  6. I never said the result would not be great. I meant nobody can or should not guarantee that it will not fade quickly or change colors. Everyone skins reacts differently even if it is only a small percentage.


    I think one of the main characteristics of a "Great" treatment result is Longevity. If the smp results fade within the first year, they are not "Great" results. If the color of the pigments change, the treatment results are not "Great." I feel this is the consensus among most providers as well as clients.


    I helped an italian patient that told me he had SMP 3 months earlier. I saw it and he said it completely disappears within 4-6 weeks. His friend who had it done right after him it still looks great after 3 months. Why is this? Is it because they did it differently or his skin absorbed it quicker. Both had SMP from same tech, same instrument, same ink, two hours apart on both days.

    Yes, i agree there are some factors that may contribute to results fading quicker than others like a person's immune system, but you must understand that this is an EXTREMELY RARE occurrence if the treatment is done correctly by a skilled technician who has used the proper tools, method and pigments.


    Some clients may require an extra treatment or two, but If an individual has to repeatedly make return visits to clinic for additional session- after- session -after- session because of fading they are either a member of a very small percentage of individuals, or the clinic is not doing the treatment properly. 9 times out of 10 it is the latter. (speaking of permanent smp of course not tricopigmentation where fading is expected and desired)



    I do not think you will get a response.


    The reason Shapiro is not responding is that he knows all of the information I have presented is Factual. He knows that this information raises questions and suspicions about certain claims he has made against GLI on this thread and he is unable to refute the facts I have posted.

    I did not think I would see a quality clinic like Shapiro get involved in competition bashing through the use of fabrications like the "story" that "Mmac6804" has posted but it seems not too many clinics are above this kind of deceit.

  7. Greetings All,


    I would just like to share my recent Scalp Micro Pigmentation(SMP) experience which I had done with Phuket Clinic in Phuket, Thailand.


    I was a bit skeptical at first about using them as I heard some negative comments about them a while back but I was pleased to find out that Phuket Hair Clinic is now under new foreign management (as of Nov 2015) that's why their SMP procedures have drastically improved.


    I was so happy with their service and professionalism I feel I owe it to them to give an honest opinion about them. Especially due to the fact that in Thailand its not easy to get trust from many international clients.


    Also,their prices for Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a third of the price anyone would pay in Europe or USA but they offer exactly the same service using the same inks and SMP equipment.

    Honestly,I have to say my results were fantastic, a friend of mine also did the procedure with them about a year ago and his Scalp Pigmentation still looks great, no dis-colouration and it still looks natural to his own hair. I was also told by Phuket Hair Clinic that when the company was under the old management they used the the wrong ink on a client in their very first days of operation which unfortunately gave him a blueish look after a few months. They certainly have corrected the issue about the ink as my friend and I are living proof.


    So, If you want to have the Micro Scalp Procedure in Thailand, give Phuket Hair Clinic a try, I have done my research by the way and honestly wouldn't go to any other company for the procedure .


    Lastly, because the price for the SMP procedure was much cheaper than back in my home country and had an awesome holiday too with that money that I saved on the procedure.

    If I need any touch ups, I can get cheap flights to Phuket anytime. Don't believe all the hype about needing to do the procedure in your home country. Why pay the extra money? rather spend it on a holiday.:)


    Contact me if you would like any info about my Scalp Micro Pigmentation procedure with Phuket Hair Clinic or if you need any info about travelling or where to stay in Phuket.


    I will gladly help.


    Best regards,




    Hi Vinny, I have a question for you. Where did you obtain your profile photos: the before and after SMP photos? Those aren't pictures of you are they?

  8. Dr. Shapiro, to the best of my knowledge you have a wonderful reputation in the hair restoration industry and your tricopigmentation results I have viewed online look fantastic. You are clearly a very respected member and provider in the industry.


    ALMOST IMMEDIATELY I BECAME FRUSTRATED AND DISILLUSIONED WITH THEM. They really did not want to share anything. They would not let me see their ink, needles, or watch a procedure. They said it was “proprietary”. The actually had the gall to use the excuse that they were “worried’ if they showed me any of their techniques I may use them improperly and hurt patients. It was insulting.

    That sounds like a very bad outcome to what started out as a hopeful situation and relationship. I appreciate the fact that you have your account of how certain events transpired, but in my experience there are always two sides to every story, and the truth usually resides somewhere between the two sides.


    Also, I was not impressed further work I saw coming out of their office......That although I was not impressed with the naturalness of the work I was seeing…. a surprising number of the patients seemed to be happy with even mediocre work. It made me realize that if the work could be improved it may be a useful technique

    I understand that you found GLI's results to be inadequate, and GLI may do terrible work, IDK and im not defending them whatsoever, but my question is this...If you thought GLI was producing such poor results, Why then did you hire one of their technicians~ Nicole Large~ as your Micropigmentation/Tricopigmentation Specialist at Shapiro Medical?? This seems odd to me....If you wanted to improve what you found to be inferior Micropigmentation work, why would you go and take the inferior clinic's technician and have them work for you to build your own "micropigmentation/tricopimgentation department"? I understand you utilize a Beauty Medical trained method...but still.....seems strange.


    Since then, Nicole and I have spent the last 6 years researching SMP. If I was going to offer it at our clinic I wanted to make sure we offering the best work.

    Once again, how is it possible that you have been working together with Nicole since 2010, yet Nicole was employed by Good Look Ink (the same clinic you are basically bashing) as early as August 2012 up until late 2013/early 2014?? This timeline does not add up. Can you explain this?


    June 22, 2012, my appointment day, I was freaking out, there was no going back, I shaved my head before going over to the Minneapolis area office. I procedure would take a full day. The tech started placing dots on my head, and it was supposed to be pain free, hell no, it hurt, and only after 10 minutes, I was breaking down inside. After about 8 hours they were done, my head hurt, like a sunburn, I looked into a mirror and felt, “what have I just done”, this did not look like the picture, this was not an unbelievable look. I was supposed to go to work in 3 days, I was immediately trying to think of ways to quit my job, how would I replace that income. I now had to go out in public, with a look that in my mind was worse than the hair systems. My first night back at work…..first comment out of someone’s mouth, hahaha, looks like a bad tattoo. Over the course of 2 months, I heard every comment possible, and I became a joker about it, the comments slowly quieted down, but the worst was yet to come.


    MMac, who was your technician when you went to Good Look Ink in 2012? Was Nicole Large working at Good Look Ink the day you had your treatment there at GLI? When you made the decision to go to Shapiro Medical for corrective work were you aware that the person who would being doing your treatment~Shapiro's "Micropigmentation Specialist" (Nicole)~ was formally a technician at Good Look Ink?

    If this was in fact your experience at Good Look Ink and the photos you posted are in fact results from Good Look Ink, then why would you go to a clinic for repair who employs a technician who worked for the same clinic who originally gave you such poor results? This seems kind of bizarre. I believe most people looking to rectify a horrible situation would have gone to a provider that had absolutely no ties to the clinic that screwed up their head to begin with.



    As you said that photo was taken almost 7 years ago. I feel the need to explain this photo so it won’t be taken out of context and be misinterpreted. I have been at odds with GLI for many years and have asked them not to use this photo.....

    My gut told me not to really trust these guys.

    It was during this short period of time that they asked to take a photos with me. It was obvious they just wanted to use me and my name and medical license for financial gain. I have not had a good relationship with them since. I sent a letter years ago asking them to stop …obviously they have not.


    And yet you allowed them to use a photo, claiming you refer your clients to them, for over 6 years? I think many people in your position would have taken legal action against GLI if they were being used as an endorsement for a company they did not really endorse.

    I found the photo on GLI's facebook page...it is still up...Here's another screenshot.


    Again, not defending GLI or their work or attempting to discredit Shapiro Medical, just looking for clarification on some clear discrepancies


  9. but you seem to have a lot of knowledge about SMP. Why is this?

    I have an adequate amount of knowledge regarding SMP, some from life experience and some simply from reading the abundance of information that is easily accessible and readily available online


    What is your agenda?

    I have no agenda....my objective on posting some questions for Dr. Shapiro on this thread I have already stated in my previous post....I will re-post it just below in case you did not see it:


    Again, not defending GLI or their work or attempting to discredit Shapiro Medical, just looking for clarification on some clear discrepancies



    From what I have seen if SMP is done right with the right conditions it looks great. But even the best SMP can fade within months or I have seen it change colour with time.

    Uh-huh....that is correct.....I agree with this....


    This can happen if with the best SMP techs using the best technique and the best ink.

    I do not agree with this 100%....usually if the provider has "the best" of those 3 things the result will be great....of course if the client is a HT patient all bets are off


    I had SMP and it looks great and 4 years later it is still there. I am not even sure if it has faded. But due to my own personal story I would never do it again and wish I never did.

    Wonderful! Glad your results look great.....and I agree, SMP is not the solution for everyone....Opinions on the finished product can be quite subjective

  10. Here is the photo, a screenshot from GLI's facebook page with date and caption claiming Shapiro's endorsement of Good Look Ink....the photo was posted Nov. 2010, almost two years before Shapiro Medical's current Micropigmentation Specialist~Nicole Large~ worked as a technician at Good Look Ink. She began working for Good Look Ink during the summer of 2012, the same time period MMac claims to have received treatment from GLI.


  11. Shaved head suggests just that, a person who has shaved his or her head. Buzz cut implies haircut. You wouldn't go to a barber to get your head shaved but you would go to him to get a buzz cut. There is a big difference.


    When speaking of Scalp Micropigmentation "Shaved Head" is accurate and "Buzz Cut" is simply incorrect and misleading. SMP is Incapable of providing the "buzz cut look" but can give the appearance of a naturally shaved head.


    I did a google image search using the words "Shaved Head" and below are a few images that came up of celebs with shaved heads. They look much more similar to SMP results photos that I observe on forums and websites.




  12. If you had a full head of hair and went to a barber and asked for a buzz cut, he would most likely ask you how short and suggest options of guards 5-9 with clippers, roughly hair length from more than 1/2 of an inch to 1 and a quarter inches long.


    Simply by using Google images I searched "Buzz Cut" and found many results, very few of which look anything like the client photos from smp providers. Below are three of the images that came up. What really seems messed up is that many providers are posting similar images on their websites for advertising purposes.




  13. I've seen a lot of SMP providers labeling their clients' results as having the "buzz cut look".



    Then when I look at the photos of the clients, they have no hair at all and only dots to replicate what follicles would look like shaved very closely with a bic razor. I think if you asked most unbiased people their opinion of many of the smp results photos, they would use the words "Bald" or "Skinhead" to describe the men in the photos. But words like that don't sell treatments, i get it. Marketing



    I feel like labeling smp results as being "buzz cut look" is a bit misleading and borderline false advertising. Buzz cut implies there is hair on the scalp, yet the majority of clients who have smp seem to be pretty high on the norwood scale and have little to no hair at all.



    Uban Dictionary Definition

    Buzz Cut: A head sheared all over with a clipper to a length of 1/2 to one inch.


    Wikipedia Definition

    Buzz Cut: any of a variety of short hairstyles usually designed with electric clippers.

  14. Hi HairingIsCaring,

    Thank you for sharing your buddy's experience with Matt. I really appreciate that. About how long ago did he have his last procedure done by Matt? Was it all done when Matt was still at HIS and Headstrong? I was told that 2 to 3 treatment should be enough. I'm a Norwood class 5.


    It's been about 2 years since he had his last treatment with Matt iulo if I remember correctly...I have not discussed his experience with him in a while but I believe he first began doing treatments with matt at HIS and then at the next company called Headstrong.


    After all of the fading he just gave up on the idea of smp being a viable option. He had HTs in the past and i think the linear scar on the back of his head was what he wanted covered most of all....it didn't happen

  15. Hey Jack,

    I'm considering the SMP procedure with Matt Lulo at Scalp Micro Pigmentation USA in NY. I'm still a little on the fence so more feedback from someone like you will benefit my decision making along with my own study. How long have you had your SMP procedure? Any regrets? How is the SMP holding up?



    I have a buddy who went to matt iulo, first when he was at HIS hair then at headstrong. My friend literally had to travel back 12 times b/c his treatment kept fading. Matt iulo told him it was because of the strength of his immune system that the fading was so severe.


    But over the course of all these return trips for more treatments he says he met several other guys who were also experiencing extreme fading and who were also having to go back to Matt for additional treatments after already having 5 treatments. 3-5 treatments is what they were all originally told would be the sufficient max amount.



    My buddy always said Matt was super nice and professional and wonderful to deal with but after his 12th treatment the smp still faded and was still barely visible so he just gave up on the whole thing after spending all that money on treatments and travel expenses.

  16. Damien Porter is the owner of the SMP marketing site "Scalp Guru", and former His Hair Forum moderator, former Scalp Aesthetics marketing director. He is a con artist who utilizes many different online "methods" (SCAMS) in order to generate revenue for himself through the Scalp Micropigmentation industry. He has attempted to blackmail numerous providers and when his "services" were refused he posted negative false defamatory information about their companies.


    Bryce Cleveland is the owner of the smp company scalp aesthetics. He, too has been involved in dishonest schemes like image theft, phony reviews, lying about his clinic locations that do not exist, doing smp treatments in hotel rooms etc. Scalp aesthetics has produced many poor results.

  17. ScalpSearch is (was) a Phony Review Website Owned by Scalp Aesthetics. He gave himself all 5 star reviews and trashed everyone else. Note that this website was under "scheduled maintenance" on or about February 17, 2016. Maybe because Internet searchers now see what he was pulling? But now, the site has been revamped for Scalp Aesthetics' own personal promotion as Bryce Cleveland was called out.



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