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Everything posted by asher951

  1. Thank you for your detailed response spanker, I thought as much about the retrograde alopectia my hair has been like that since I was a teenager,does that also get worse over time? I should add i am not thinking of a transplant ASAP, I am thinking in my future within the next few years once I am a little older and my patern will be more established, My donor area to me seems a little weak on the left side but the rest feels thick, I could maybe take a better picture for you, but maybe you are right, maybe someone else could give their opinion?
  2. hello everyone, finally signed up after lurking for almost a year I've learnt a lot from the forum already and enjoy keeping up to date with everyone stories specially when they have a great ending. I'm looking for some advice on my own situation that i was blissfully unaware of until around the beginning of this year. i am 25 years old, did not notice my hair loss until this year but looking back the signs have been there for the past 3-4 years, now i would really really not like to go bald so i am considering the transplant route, I'm aware i will need a handful of sessions as my hair loss progresses and it will never be the same as when i was younger but i would like to chase it and keep a relatively full head of hair. I first noticed after getting a shorter hair cut than normal my hairline didn't look quite like i remembered, since then I've noticed in my opinion a vast decline in the volume of my hairline and even worse in the crown. i believe I'm going the same way as my father, he's had a bald spot on his crown for as long as i can remember but the front to mid is still okay in his mid 50's, but this is not certain i also have uncles on my mothers side who are moth completely bald nw 6's. The bit I'm most concerned with is my hairline, and mainly the left side has gone quite far back compared to the rest, i would like to get a small transplant to correct the shape and add some density to the front, do you think I'm an acceptable candidate? have many grafts would you suggest i need? is it totally unacceptable to address my crown because of my age and the instability of my hairloss without medication? could i get any at all put into the vertex? i have naturally very thick and curly hair which i think helps make the mid scalp look so thick, i am hoping because of my hair characteristics i will need a less density transplant than most but maybe someone could tell me if i am wrong? i have attached some pictures of myself with my hair in quite a vulnerable state with no product at all in, on a daily basis it wouldn't look so bad but there is no sense in showing you guys it at its best, sorry if there is too many I've tried to get it at most angles in natural sunlight to give the best indication, if anyone has and other picture requests i can take some more I am not willing to try under any circumstance medication such as finasteride or rogaine, i have the upmost respect for the people that do take it, it clearly helps a great deal and would certainly do me a lot of good, but a lifelong commitment and the risk of the sides is just not for me, i do however use nizoral shampoo once a week. i have no shame in my hair loss and i will talk openly about it and have no intention on hiding a transplant, i am only 25 and would like to worry about this later in life, in my position what would you do? thank you very much for any advice offered
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