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Posts posted by hjb1990

  1. Hi,


    I know Dr. Villnow is somewhat wellknown in the transplant network due to his work on Jurgen Klopp however has anyone seen results / heard reviews about his partner also operating from his clinic and under his supervision: Dr. Gerke?


    On recent communication I have been given a quote by Dr. Villnow but a reduced price if I opt for the treatment by his partner Dr. Gerke.


    Thanks in advance,


  2. Hi all,


    I've been consulting with a few doctors online about the possibility of an FUE procedure and would be interested to hear the opinions of the forum as to how many grafts may be suitable for me.


    I have included a picture below which shows the outline of the recipient area in blue.

    It measures approx. 10cm at back x 6cm deep x 14cm at front.


    Approx. 84cm square (this is excluding any grafts on the temples).


    What would a good graft number be for this area as I have recieved differing opinions.


    Thanks in advance,



  3. Thanks for your reply.


    It's my hairline that I will need work on and possibly crown.

    I've had some online consultations mostly coming in at around 2700-3500 FUE grafts.

    However one Dr. said that my donor area looks miniaturised and that its unlikely we will get the desired number of grafts.


    Below are pics of my side and top.

    Hairline will need work and mid scalp, however there are numerous native hairs.

    Notice the hairline outline in the last pic made up by my MSP treatment.


  4. Hello,


    I've finally decided to join the forum after browsing for almost a year.

    I am 26 years old, from the UK and thought I'd share my story/journey with the like minded.


    I started losing my hair when I was around 20 and by 23 I was a NW3.

    I continued losing hair, until I was 25 when it seemed to stop. I now consider myself a NW4A (Pictures below). Although I no longer notice hairloss i'm sure it will continue over the years.


    Earlier this year I decided to shave my head and went to London to undergo MSP with a top London Clinic. Unfortunately I regret the decision and could not get used the bald/shaved look even with the new hairline. I found there was such a contrast between my remaining REAL hair and the pigments.


    Since then, I have been resigned to wearing hat's in public and so on...


    I began researching FUE transplants around 6 months ago even before the MSP but it is only over the last 2 months I have decided to go ahead with it and spoken with BHR clinic/Dr. Bisanga and Dr. Feriduni both of whom recommended 3000-4000 grafts to create new hairline and fill in mid-scalp.


    Unfortunately both also quoted around 8500GBP for the treatment alone so with travel and accommodation costs etc... It would likely be around 9000GBP.


    My budget is around 5000GBP and this is with me borrowing 1000GBP. I've managed to save 4000GBP.

    Therefore I have emailed Dr. Bhatti and am awaiting reply and likely go for treatment with him.

    I have read mostly good reviews and would love to visit India. I will of course, update accordingly.


    Pictures 1-3 below show my hair earlier this year before MSP.

    Pictures 4-7 show it now, buzzed down, with scalp marked out to show recipient area.

    Note - I still have a fair amount of native hair in this area, it is not totally bald.


    If anyone has any questions about MSP let me know, or any comments on my current hairloss.


    Thanks for reading!





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