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Posts posted by JimJohnson

  1. Originally posted by Burberry:

    Getting paid to spread false rumors? icon_smile.gif Dr. Armani's reputation speaks for itself I don't think there's any clinic with a better reputation than Alvi-Armani.

    I have a clear case to backup what I say icon_smile.gif

    Can you show us your case ?


    It's hard to do that.

    Most armani results are posted over at hairsite. Every few months or so, a bad result comes in. But hairsite is known to quickly take care of such a thing by simply banning the user or deleting/closing the topic.

  2. Originally posted by notjustyet:

    Bill, on this post.. both a post from me and one from jim. Jim said he didnt think the guy got the whole front third done because of the cost.


    thanopsis.. its old man.. not gonna play tennis with you anymore.


    Uhm, notjustyet, you must have missunderstood... you're on page 2 of the thread, what you are thinking of is on page 1..


    both of our posts are still there!

  3. I've followed that case over at hairsite.

    Unfortunately, this guy is not willing to post some good, current pics of his donor and top of the head.


    Btw, am I the only one who FEELS LIKE every Armani patient acts like a shill? I mean, most people enjoy their result and then only come back every few months to tell they're still doing well with their new hair.


    however to mee it seems like the Armani patients mostly have a blog, keep pushing armani's results and post like they got paid to do that (like shills)


    ATTENTION: Those are just my thoughts! (I do not want to get sued or something).

  4. Originally posted by spex:

    Hey TC17,


    The patients plan was always to have further work via FUE as understands the limitations FUE presents. The plan initially is to address the areas most in demand with the safe amount of FUE that was able to be harvested in one session. The patient only wanted FUE as plans to keep hair short. He will in time return to Dr Feller to continue his journey through if/when required as planned out by the doc and himself.


    With regards to the comments about Dr Fellers pricing.. (anyone running a search against certain posters would think they had an agenda against Feller...) - This patient received 1250+ but only paid for 1000 ( very common for Feller patients to get free grafts) making the patient session $8 a graft.


    Nobody has an agenda against feller, spex. I think he's a very good surgeon, but come on man, 8$ per graft, that's even more than Armani charges!!!

  5. Originally posted by TC17:

    Dr. Feller,


    I'm curious as to why you placed grafts in the particular pattern that you did. Isn't it likely that this patient will continue to lose at least more hair from the front, necessitating a second surgery? Why wasn't the full frontal third filled in?


    My guess is that he couldn't afford more grafts at a price of 10$ per graft.

  6. FUE

    $10 per graft? Sure you did not confuse something? As far as I know this is more than Armani charges, this is insane!



    10.000 Dollars for 1000 grafts, + flight, + hotel, this may go up to 12.000 Dollars and you'll end up with 1000 grafts only.

  7. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:



    Since you are the topic starter, I think it's time to answer some questions. Depending on how you answer these questions, I will consider allowing this topic to continue or close it.


    Given everything that was already said, why would Dr. Feller really even need to address this post?


    It's already been proven that the comparision of Dr. Feller's use of PRP doesn't compare to the LLLT argument because Dr. Feller hasn't claimed that PRP works.


    It appears you are just angry that he charges to provide the procedure when it's experimental. But why? What is your motive? Do you wish he offered it for free so you could partake?


    Dr. Feller has given patients realistic information empowering them to make their own decisions.


    So what's the problem?


    Your answers are expected.




    Bill, I have not changed my intention after opening up this topic. Why do you first agree, and then threaten me to close this topic suddenly? Can't remember insulting anyone. Now you're asking me what's the problem.


    I opened up this topic since it's been about 5 months since Dr. Feller shared his first experience regarding PRP, and he told us that he'll make photographs and show us those. However, all he posted so far were 2 sets of pictures of people having full heads of hair before, and after. He has not updated us since then, so I assume that he continues to charge 600-800$ for an unproven treatment. But where are the photographs, if he treated a lot of patients already?


    I opened up this topic because I re-listened to that Conversation between Dr. Feller and Dr. Bauman, and after I noticed that Dr. Feller now charges 800$, for something that has pretty much the same lack of evidence that it works for hair loss, so I collected the information and photographs dr. Feller provided to us so far. So I think it's not fair how he lauged about Dr. Bauman for charging 5000 bucks for a 1-year treatment (including propecia+minoxidil supplies) while he charges something that consists of drawing blood, mixing it, and injecting it to the scalp.


    It's already been proven that the comparision of Dr. Feller's use of PRP doesn't compare to the LLLT argument because Dr. Feller hasn't claimed that PRP works.

    So what? Dr. Bauman didn't claim that LLLT works when he first tried it (Btw, don't think I'm defending dr. bauman. I still think it's reticolous that he charges 5000$ for that). Dr. Feller has been doing PRP many months now, and according to his signature, he is still officialy offering it.


    I can just repeat myself.

    Originally posted by JimJohnson:

    If your next post is gonna show some great pictures of PRP results, than I apologize sincerly. Really! I hope you can understand my frustration as I think you have been in the same situation when LLLT was hyped 2 years ago. I'm just another young balding guy looking for some WORKING treatments.


    If you, Bill, find the topic title offensive you can change it if you want to. It will not make such a big difference. I still hope Dr. Feller to reply to this thread, but he ignored it so far. And as you can see some people (including you for some parts) agree with me in some points.

  8. Originally posted by Lastchance:
    Originally posted by JimJohnson:

    Dr. Feller, I'd love you to check out this topic.



    which part? your appeal for all those on the thread to stay on topic?


    Sorry, you're right about that. I just didn't know how to draw his attention on another way. Is this what the "Invite UserXY to a Private Topic" function is for?

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