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Everything posted by Pleasehelp16

  1. I started minoxidil early May, began exeriencing loss of spontaneous erections and libido after one week, thought nothing of it. By the second week things got progressively worse, i googled "minoxidil and erectile dysfunction", found lots of guys that had exactly the same problem. I quit minoxidil immediately, didn't get better, been on daily Cialis most of the time since then (4 months) . Every time I quit Cialis I'm back at square one: very weak erections, let's say 50% of strength than before minoxidil. What's worrying me is I'm still looking for a story of recovery from this condition. DesperatelyNeedsAdvice writes he's still not recovered at the 1 year mark. As for possible mechanisms for this effect, google "minoxidil and androgen receptor" or "minoxidil and nitric oxide". It's clear that this side effect hits a small percentage of users, but it's definitely a side effect of the drug, the temporal correlation for me is clear. And there are a lot of similar stories on the forums.
  2. Hello DNA, I have the same problem as you with minoxidil and ED. Any follow-up from you? Has it got any better?
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