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Everything posted by Big_foot

  1. I have heard that hair transplants speed up MPB. So if someone loses hair in the front and is a Norwood scale 2 and gets a transplant done, does that mean that that individual lets say was going to progress to a norwood 3a in 10 years will progress the same in 3 years or something because of Hair transplant? Basically my question is that it means that another hair transplant will be required very soon since hair loss will continue to progress behind transplanted hairs in a shorter time frame?
  2. I have heard that hair transplants speed up MPB. So if someone loses hair in the front and is a Norwood scale 2 and gets a transplant done, does that mean that that individual lets say was going to progress to a norwood 3a in 10 years will progress the same in 3 years or something because of Hair transplant? Basically my question is that it means that another hair transplant will be required very soon since hair loss will continue to progress behind transplanted hairs in a shorter time frame?
  3. Can anybody help and tell me what this report means?
  4. Thank you very much Dr. Bernard Arocha for replying! She did have a scalp biopsy done but I don't remember (I was 15 at that time) what she confirmed it for. I have my report infront of me. Here it is typed up.... ANATOMIC SITE Left Temple in scalp CLINICAL INFORMATION Centralized Laboratory services specimen labled "Numbers" "15 year old sikh with progressive alopecia along frontal and temporal hairline; 3-4 months duration; traction alopecia (patient wears a bun) vs. ophiasis type alopecia areata." DESCRIPTION OF FINDINGS BY EXAMINATION GROSSLY The specimen is received in formalin and consists of a punch of biopsy of skin measuring 0.3 X 0.3 X 0.4 cm. The specimen is submitted in toto in one cassette to be sectioned. DESCRIPTION OF FINDINGS BY EXAMINATION HISTOPATHOLOGICALLY There is a decreased number of follicles in anagen in this specimen from scalp and those are thinned and shortned. Diagnosis LEFT TEMPLE IN SCALP-COMMON (ANDROGENTIC) BALDNESS, PROBABLE Note: A PA stain adds no additional information. Step sections have been examined.
  5. Mr. Bill first of all I would like to thank you very much for replying I also want to tell you that I followed your story and pictures on this forum. I was shocked to see the pictures of when you were younger with a full set of hair and older with the hair loss. Your hair was very very thick and nobody could guess that androgenetic hair loss would kick in so soon Now I know hairloss is unpredictable! Anyways getting back to my story, people don't releaize that I am a 21 year old with traction alopecia. I'm given odd looks and mocked about my comb over hairstyle. My girlfriend has left me and I don't have the courage to ask any other girl out because I feel like an alien. I can sense rejection waiting to happen. Although my male friends who don't suffer from any type of hair loss have been very suportive to me and they have recommended me going through with the HT. I always thought us "males" were the only ones who placed looks as the number 1 priority in the opposite sex but I guess I was wrong. Hopefully after I undergo this HT, I will be as hairy as big foot on my head of course Hey btw can you suggest any good HT Dr. around NY that use the FUE method? I've heard Dr. Feller is one of the best?
  6. I got a great amount of hair loss at age 15. As you may know the followers of the "Sikh" faith require their hair to be tied tightly in a bun which causes stress to the front of the head. My dermatologist dignosed it and got a lab test done to confirm it to being alopecia areta and belived that the hair will regrow within 2-5 years. At age 16 I had cut my hair to lose the strain on the hair. I am now 21 years old. The hair hasn't grown back. I belive I have traction alopecia and the Dr. made a mistake, maybe because this might be a rare case for her. I know alopecia areta are round patches spread over the head and that it is a autoimune disease. I have hair loss only in the front and front sides of my head and I have thick hair on top and on the back of my head (I have no hair line) and some thinning in the front. At age 21 the thinning in the front seems to have progresed slightly. I wish to undergo a hair transplant and I am guessing 3,000 to 4,000 grafts (estimating) should be enough to give me a hairline that I want by the Fue method. My questions are 1. I've been told that at age 21 years old I'm too young because when my androgentic alopecia kicks in, I will have odd looking gaps. I am not concerned if this (androgentic balding) happens at age 40 or 50. If my full hair last me till age 40 without gaps I am happy. 2. Do DR.s diagnose the type of hair loss before the HT because I know having an HT on alopecia areta will cause the hair follicules to fall out. 3. Does traction alopecia progress over the years or is it basically the weak and damaged follicules from the excessive pulling finally falling out and causing a thinning look in the front? Thanks in advance!
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